Recent content by Nadilli

  1. Nadilli

    Is Big R Country Companion Organic? All Flock Pellets

    It does not say either way, all I can find is the ingredient list, but it doesn't say if the ingredients are organic or not. I am leaning towards not, but I'm unsure?
  2. Nadilli

    Is Big R Country Companion Organic? All Flock Pellets

    Is Big R Country Companion Organic? All Flock Pellets and sometimes scratch grains, I sell some eggs locally and am wondering if CC is classified as organic or not, so I know what labels I can put on my eggs. If they are not, its fine, I just wont call them organic. I have some people asking...
  3. Nadilli

    Your opinions on my coop please!

    Photo dump! Did some changes. Took the heat lamp away, was just a 38w bulb, since babies are 10 weeks old now. And put a tarp on the back side for some better protection. This is a 9 x 18 run, and will be attached to the original run when hubby gets the fence painted, which is 9x7. Hoping that...
  4. Nadilli

    Your opinions on my coop please!

    Thank you for the information. Yeah, I know the coop is small, I put in ventilation and even an exhaust fan. Only the 2 Banty chickens go into the coop, the other 2 sleep outside in the duck pile. I am also working on enclosing the bottom part with boards to make a better protected area for them...
  5. Nadilli

    Your opinions on my coop please!

    Photo dump! Also installed solar lights, low light at night and goes to high light with movement. Only the chickens sleep in the coop at night. The ducks either sleep under the chair or under the coop.
  6. Nadilli

    Your opinions on my coop please!

    A little update! I reworked my flock, and made a large waterer for them, and calculated sq feet needed compared to what I have. 10 2 banty 20 2 ISA browns 50 5 ducks which comes to... 80 total recommended/needed... and I have 245 total area available, run floor space not counting 2nd...
  7. Nadilli

    Your opinions on my coop please!

    Hi everyone! Update time! I have ducks now, so the setup is going to get an upgrade! I am going to lift the prebuilt coop 2 feet with concrete bricks mortared together, and that bottom part turned into a duck area. I am going to get a pen kit from Amazon, that is 9.5 x 18.5 x 6.5 tall, and I...
  8. Nadilli

    Gender please? 2 frizzies and a polish?

    New pictures!!! Still looking like 2 girls? No crowing yet. Apx 15 weeks old.
  9. Nadilli

    ID please, baby ducks. Any tips?

    Right? 😂 “assorted ducks” is all the information that I got from the store! Looked up the hatchery they get from and there’s like 50 different breeds!!! And so many are yellow when babies!!!!!!
  10. Nadilli

    ID please, baby ducks. Any tips?

    Thanks. They ended up being fawn and white runners, male and female. I am not allowed to keep males in town, so I gave them to a friend of mine out of town in exchange for a promise of them never turning into dinner.
  11. Nadilli

    Your opinions on my coop please!

    P.S. Long story short, lawyer fuc**d me and moving isn't happening, debating on extending the run, if there are issues with flock dynamics.
  12. Nadilli

    Your opinions on my coop please!

    Upgrade Photo dump! Made some upgrades and modifications, so posting pictures. Added a top solid framework to the “chick-port” so they can walk around on it without it moving, and changed up the ducks pool a bit. “Chick-port” has 2 internal roosts for added structure and for the chickens to...
  13. Nadilli

    Anyone want to team up for an order?

    Yeah. I was thinking about it. The breeder that is getting my runners is partnering up with me to get a breed he wants, but I’m still a few short so I may end up getting some extra females and then they can be easily rehomed even to town people. The Indian Runner ducks seem to be the best bet...
  14. Nadilli

    Anyone want to team up for an order?

    Yeah. I ended up with a male and female, which was perfect because I was finishing paperwork on out of town property. But then a few days ago the lawyer fu**ed me AGAIN, and took the property away. This is long story short was supposed to me given to me as an inheritance when a relative passed...
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