Recent content by Myles

  1. Myles

    Had a visitor over with a dog, stupid move.

    I don't mean to sound heartless. But you must shoulder much of the blame for this. She asked if she could bring the dog and you said yes (knowing she was not responsible). You also must act as a "rooster" and protect your flock. I assume you left them out of their pen, although I guess it...
  2. Myles

    Do those anti predator things work?

    I had 2 chickens killed the other night. I suspected a coon. I bought a trap and caught 2 in 2 days. Of course I had to shoot and bury 2 coons this weekend. I'll set the trap again tonight. Trap worked great...
  3. Myles

    Comment by 'Myles' in article 'How To Incubate & Hatch Chicken Eggs - Just 21 Days From Egg To Chicken!'

    Tough call. You can wait another day or help open the crack a little. I've done both. I've also had one die after the hole was about the size of a marble. I left it be thinking that if it got that far it could make it all the way. The next time I helped with the cracking and the chick came out fine.
  4. Myles

    Comment by 'Myles' in article 'How To Incubate & Hatch Chicken Eggs - Just 21 Days From Egg To Chicken!'

    Nope. Typically they will hatch day 21-day 24.
  5. Myles


  6. Myles

    Making hen aprons from jeans?

  7. Myles

    How long for feathers to grow back?

    I usually don't like it when people bump, but BUMP.
  8. Myles

    Leg bands?

    The spray paint works very well. Just a dot will last for 3-4 months. I have a few Rhode Island Reds and you cannot tell them apart to save your life. My daughter now knows which is her favorite (Jewel is what she nemed it), it has a green spot on the tail.
  9. Myles


    I have 2 roosters. The Polish one is the dominant one. Although he is never teased, he gets very mean and will chase me, my wife and my 2 young daughters. I had to give him a good kick last night. Any truth to what I have read about removing the roo from the flock for a week or so and...
  10. Myles

    Leg bands?

    That's an idea I haven't thought of. Would they get pecked at (the bands or feet)? Would any certain color be better? I feel a little bad if I use rubber bands. I have used a little spray paint on a couple so I could tell them apart. No ill effects that I could see. Just a little green...
  11. Myles

    Making hen aprons from jeans?

    Do they stay on? Just curious because I think you have a great idea.
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