Recent content by myawesomepullets

  1. myawesomepullets

    Hen Losing Weight and Lethargic- What’s wrong?

    I have a picture! After watching her for 15 min, she pooped. It’s very liquidy, clear and water-like, but with a bit of actual poop in it. Hopefully this picture helps. She’s drinking plenty and my dad put some electrolytes (Rooster Booster) in her water while I was at school.
  2. myawesomepullets

    Hen Losing Weight and Lethargic- What’s wrong?

    I checked her crop this morning and no wonder she feels bad and also is losing weight; her crop is still pretty full. I’m thinking impacted crop. Thanks so much! I’ll work on this today.
  3. myawesomepullets

    Hen Losing Weight and Lethargic- What’s wrong?

    I’ve actually never dewormed before. Upon looking in daylight, nothing seems suspicious, but I’ll check once it gets dark. Her crop has felt pretty normal consistency-wise, but I’ll look/feel tonight and tomorrow morning on the whole flock. No bloating or liquid-feeling areas, but I can feel...
  4. myawesomepullets

    Hen Losing Weight and Lethargic- What’s wrong?

    I have a 2 yr old hen who has been on and off lethargic for several weeks now, beginning during a cold snap. She’s been losing weight just a little bit previously but now it’s really noticeable. I’m not sure what’s wrong or if it can be cured, but I’m trying to find out. 1) What type of bird ...
  5. myawesomepullets

    I need help understanding why my chicken died.

    I’m sorry for your loss. This is basically what happened to my pullet a couple years ago when she was 9 months old. We did a necropsy and it turned out to be cancer, so I’d guess it’s maybe cancer.
  6. myawesomepullets

    Is this dry fowl pox? What do I do?

    Update to this thread, in case it’ll help anyone in the future: I didn’t mess with the pustules at all and then went on my planned holiday vacation (leaving the flock under the care of a neighbor). When I got back, the pustules were almost gone and as of now they are completely gone.
  7. myawesomepullets

    Is this dry fowl pox? What do I do?

    Yep, we basically have mosquitoes year round, but a lot less in the winter. Thanks for the tips.
  8. myawesomepullets

    Is this dry fowl pox? What do I do?

    Today I went to check on my flock and I noticed that one of my hens has some grey-ish colored pustules on her face. After doing a bit of research, I believe it is dry fowl pox, but I wanted to check with some more experienced chicken people who have dealt with this before. My hen is just over...
  9. myawesomepullets

    back of chickens comb turning purple!

    Was this ever figured out? I have the same problem. It’s no cold out, or super dry, and the hen has plenty of water, is very lively, and has no lack of appetite.
  10. myawesomepullets

    Purple Spot on Comb

    I have a similar issue- the purple part of the comb feels a bit dehydrated and less full than the red areas.
  11. myawesomepullets

    Ended Official BYC 2022 Summer Fair—Artwork Contest

    I originally put this in the handcrafts contest and realized it was more of an art contest thing… I withdrew it from the handcrafts contest, so I hope it’s okay to enter it here. I did a watercolor of a rooster, also using pencil and paint pen to add texture.
  12. myawesomepullets

    Ended Official BYC 2022 Summer Fair—Handcrafts Contest

    And my last entry, but certainly not least: a chicken feather garland. I just threaded chicken feathers on a thread and it looks pretty cool! (The cards above the garland are not made by me).
  13. myawesomepullets

    Ended Official BYC 2022 Summer Fair—Handcrafts Contest

    I would like to withdraw this from the handcrafts contest because I realized it would be better suited to the art contest. So this is NOT AN ENTRY!!!
  14. myawesomepullets

    Ended Official BYC 2022 Summer Fair—Handcrafts Contest

    I also have whittled two foxes- a mother and her cub.
  15. myawesomepullets

    Ended Official BYC 2022 Summer Fair—Handcrafts Contest

    I whittle! Here are three rabbits I made:
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