Recent content by Muser

  1. Muser

    Flock dynamic if I remove the Cockerel

    Well, I went out to the garden about an hour ago, and he full on relentlessly attacked me, really vicious! I held my ground and faced him at all times without running, but he had me held up in the walk-in-run with the girls, thank you all, he's getting a fast track ticket to freezer camp...
  2. Muser

    Flock dynamic if I remove the Cockerel

    I have a New Hampshire Red style Rooster that's just coming up on a year old, I raised him from a chick, but he's tried a few times to flog my partner and recently he's started to try and flog me too, but his spurs aren't sharp thankfully as he's only a year old. Despite these negatives, I have...
  3. Muser

    Should I pull it out? - Newborn Chick Problem

    Yes, I agree, I would just keep an eye on it rather than try and take them, poor little things chill so easily. You can use heated pads to keep them warm when transporting, but I agree, this wouldn't be my first way to deal with it. Just keeping an eye on it is what I think should be done here...
  4. Muser

    Should I pull it out? - Newborn Chick Problem

    Also, those pink middle toes are adorable! 😍
  5. Muser

    Should I pull it out? - Newborn Chick Problem

    I'm no vet so if you are really concerned maybe you should take them to a vet but if it was me, I would just keep an eye on it for now, make sure any other chicks aren't taking an interest in it, if they are, isolate the chick to avoid any distress. Sometimes things like this can rectify on...
  6. Muser

    Stressed from moving or ill?

    Yeah she wasn't well, I isolated her from the coop as she declined a bit. The farm I bought her from replaced her for me and now I have a healthy happy Salmon Faverolle <3 He looked her over and could see she wasn't too well but could be treated and said he had checked the rest of his flock for...
  7. Muser

    Stressed from moving or ill?

    She's started eating and moving around a bit, poor girl, I think she was just very stressed! I hope it's just that anyway.
  8. Muser

    Stressed from moving or ill?

    Hi, I picked up a buff orpington x brahma which is a lovely bird, relaxed and is eating already, but the Salmon Faverolle I picked up at the same time, seems really stressed, she's puffed up, closing her eyes a lot and making a little bark noise when something noisy happens in the coop. Is this...
  9. Muser

    BBS Marans 2.5 weeks gender guesses!

    I still think 1, 3 and 4 are cockerels 😁 it would be nice if you had 50/50 though! 🤞
  10. Muser

    BBS Marans 2.5 weeks gender guesses!

    Chick 3 is looking less Cockerell-like in these latest pictures, I'm leaning towards pullet on that one now but 1 and 4 are looking suspiciously rooish haha 😄 maybe 2 is a pullet too, but I'm looking at those little wattles with a raised brow 🤔
  11. Muser

    BBS Marans 2.5 weeks gender guesses!

    Yeah those early wattles are peaking through! They are all adorable 😍
  12. Muser

    BBS Marans 2.5 weeks gender guesses!

    Awwe I feel your pain with this. I was obsessed with sexing my chicks to the point of my partners madness! I will stick with 1, 3 and 4 being cockerels, but I am hoping you don't have all cockerels! Keep us posted 🙂 Here's a link to the post I made last year having a go... spoiler alert, all...
  13. Muser

    light brahma pullet or cockerel?

    Just realised how old the original post was haha 😄 I think they know by now
  14. Muser

    BBS Marans 2.5 weeks gender guesses!

    1, 3 and 4 look to be cockerels to me with 1 having the most tell tale signs
  15. Muser

    Pullet or Cockerel?

    That combs too large for 5 week old pullet on the last pic so I think that one is a cockerel, rest look to be pullets
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