Recent content by Muscoweewee

  1. Muscoweewee

    Pecking Order

    The austrawhite moulted, but the easter egger didn't. It's autumn for me now because I live in Australia so that might be a reason. I don't use supplementary lighting in winter. I feed them pellets, scratch, vegetables, crushed egg shells and leftovers occasionally. They are fed using plastic...
  2. Muscoweewee

    Soft shell eggs

    Try giving more different sources of calcium - maybe crushed. Have they been eating a decent amount of the calcium you give them? If they haven't, tone down a bit on the treats.
  3. Muscoweewee

    Pecking Order

    Both birds are two and a half years old. I haven't been aware of any previous 'fights' if they did occur. The current 'top chick' hasn't been bullying the other. The easter egger's feathers are pretty scruffy / loose and they keep falling out but I'm not sure if that's from fighting / pecking or...
  4. Muscoweewee

    Pecking Order

    My small flock of two chickens recently had a fight. However afterwards, my previously more dominant easter egger hen became more docile, and my austrawhite hen which was previously the more docile chicken has become more aggressive. Is this simply a change in pecking order as the previous top...
  5. Muscoweewee

    Cold Feet

    You're correct. A healthy chicken with the right nutrition and proper shelter should be fine in cold weather. However, if it's really very chilly (for example if it was snowing) I'd recommend giving them some warm food like oatmeal or porridge. :)
  6. Muscoweewee

    Found chicken needs help!

    I think that parasites most likely caused it. Check out these threads ; The chickens there appear to be experiencing similar...
  7. Muscoweewee

    Yeast Infection

    Two of my hens have yeast infection, I read that apple cider vinegar helps, but can normal vinegar cure it? Does bathing or cutting off fluff that's stuck together help? Thanks!
  8. Muscoweewee

    Chickens and Milk?

    So in the end not much really happened with the little hen- just some very wet muffs and a very dirty beak (the milk dried on layers of dirt and mud). Anyway, thanks for all the replies!:wee
  9. Muscoweewee

    Chickens and Milk?

    Hi all, I was recently tipping out some milk that had been left out for too long into the garden when my easter egger came up to me and started drinking it right from the puddle. She took a good 10+ slurps from it before walking off happily. Is this normal? Will she get sick from this at all...
  10. Muscoweewee

    Sick chicken?

    is there any discharge around her beak or nose? I heard my hen making gurgling noises and looking very lethargic a few months ago and she had orangey yellow discharge around her beak. I gave her apple cider vinegar in her water and it seemed to clear up by itself. It is probably a respiratory...
  11. Muscoweewee

    Hen is lethargic and being picked on

    Is she eating now? If she is still refusing to eat you might have to consider feeding her yourself with a syringe- but that depends on how much time you have. You can try feeding her some parrot hand rearing formula if you have it on hand, but if you don't you can blend up some pellets and mix...
  12. Muscoweewee

    What is this chicken thinking?

    What's this chicken thinking?
  13. Muscoweewee

    Review by '' on item 'Leghorn'

    My white leghorn is my favourite hen, she is friendly, good around children and other chickens (although mine got bullied quite a bit :( ). She is an excellent layer (but please don't buy your chickens to be egg laying machines, they're living creatures too - the same as you and I am). DON'T buy...
  14. Muscoweewee

    Review by '' on item 'Olive Egger'

    My olive egger is an Ameruacana mix. She's a pretty crap layer (she gave up laying after two sky blue eggs and now hogs the laying boxes to lay her phantom eggs), and she came home with a bumble foot. She also enjoys screaming her heart out for no apparent reason. Mine is a little on the dumb...
  15. Muscoweewee

    Chicken ate bad corn - Help!!!!

    My chicken accidentally got fed some corn that was going bad (it wasn't going too bad as i made the mistake of eating it too). Will she be okay? She's only eaten half a cob. What can I do to prevent any diseases she may get because of it?
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