Recent content by muscovy94

  1. muscovy94

    What Are You Listening To Right Now?

    Forever and ever, amen by Randy Travis
  2. muscovy94

    If you work in the poultry industry you can't raise backyard birds???

    So I'm a junior year poultry science major at Mississippi State University and I just recently heard today that when I graduate and start working in the poultry industry I won't be able to raise my own birds because of diseases and cross contamination. Is this 100% true? I couldn't imagine not...
  3. muscovy94

    Male or female? What morph? Pic

    Bought this little guy today. Is he male or female? The color of the cere is throwing me off. Also what's his color morph called? He's a real pretty pastel color. Any idea?
  4. muscovy94

    Putting grass seed in the coop/run

    we've had a ton of rain here lately so my coops and their runs are just muddy nasty fly ridden mud pits with no grass whatsoever. I was thinking about alternating the chickens to other pens for a few days and throwing some grass seed in their coops. Is the grass from those quick growing bags...
  5. muscovy94

    Benefits of keeping incubator outside?

    I live in vicksburg, ms. To say its humid here would be a vast understatement. Since it is so humid here, wouldn't it make sense to hatch eggs in an incubator outside (like in the garage/barn). My thinking is that it would more naturally mimic the humidity levels that the eggs need and so I...
  6. muscovy94

    Any eye color genetic enthusiasts out there?

    I've always been curious as to where I get my eye color from. I'm literally the only person in my family with brown eyes. My parents, sister, grandparents, aunts/uncles, etc everyone has either blue or bluish green eyes. Here are pics of my parents eyes, my sisters, and then mine. Tell me what...
  7. muscovy94

    Naked Neck/Turken Thread

    Bought this pretty little naked neck bantam hen the other day. I would really like to get into breeding naked neck oegb. Anyone have an opinion on what color oegb roo I should breed her to to get started? She's all white with just a brush of grey on the top of her head
  8. muscovy94

    What breed are my babies?

    At first I wanted to say that they are mallards since they only have one distinct eye stripe, but I've never seen a mallard with a crest before so most likely they are Rouens. I bought some mallard ducklings from TSC a few weeks (I ended up getting in an argument with the employee who tried to...
  9. muscovy94

    Weeping willow cutting are dying

    These are my rooted weeping willow cuttings that I've noticed have some leaves that are dying. Any idea what the cause is? Is it time to plant them? Could it be our weird weather of freezing one day and 75 the next?
  10. muscovy94

    What breed did I buy from TSC? PICS!!

    Also their beaks are darker than the pekins they had
  11. muscovy94

    What breed did I buy from TSC? PICS!!

    Any idea what breed these guys are? My TSC has these kind and Pekins. I know they're not Pekins because if you look close enough at their faces they have very light faint stripes, kinda like rouens and mallards have. But of course to the employee at TSC they were all pekins.....
  12. muscovy94

    Another "what breed is he?"

    He's in with a flock of which leghorn laying hens and was wondering what breed he is? Also anyone have any idea why he is being bred to white leghorn hens? Thanks.
  13. muscovy94

    Is the barring on golden campine dominant?

    No one knows about barring in campines?
  14. muscovy94

    Is the barring on golden campine dominant?

    I have a golden campine hen who I plan on breeding to my delaware marked turken rooster(one of his parents was a delaware and the other a turken) anyone have any idea of what I should expect? Here's some pics Rooster: Hen:
  15. muscovy94

    Naked Neck/Turken Thread

    I bought them off of Facebook of all places haha. $15 a piece
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