Recent content by muscovy joe

  1. muscovy joe

    Eggs hatching?

    it can take around 24 hours for a chick to hatch. im in the same boat waiting for them to hatch, some pipped and some hatched. its a waiting game. be patient and if its an incubator keep and eye on it. I use a broody so I can only wait and see. hope it goes well for you and happy hatching!
  2. muscovy joe

    Raising ducks and chicks together, good or bad idea?

    hi, iv been raising ducks and chickens together for one year now. Muscovys and Bantam chickens. they seem to leave each other alone because the chickens are so fast the ducks cant really mess with them. what is important is that there is enough girls to boys, I think 1:6 is normal. that way the...
  3. muscovy joe

    Post your Duck names!

    Muscovys : Big Joe, Big Blue, Molly, Tillie, Yellow-toes, Charlie, Little Blue, Chris Rouen: Dale, Darla
  4. muscovy joe

    Black eggs!!

    I would say smell them, and if they smell like rotten eggs then they are toast and you should get them out of the incubator. they are not good to keep in there if they are rotten, I do not know too much about incubator or how eggs rot, but I have broody ducks and I pull out ones that turn black...
  5. muscovy joe

    Bantam breed questions

    Thank you! I got them from a friend near seaforth, on. I think they got eggs from benmiller, on. Iv only had them a day but I love them already haha
  6. muscovy joe

    Bantam breed questions

    sorry I don't have a better picture yet, but I am wondering what breed these may be. im guessing the hen in the front is a crossbreed. thank you
  7. muscovy joe

    ducks and breeding help please

    A general rule with ducks is to have more boys then girls to prevent over breeding. Over breeding is just hard on a female, as you said pulled nape feathers, but can also be stressful which prevents egg laying. Im not to sure what the best thing to do in your situation is, more girls perhaps. In...
  8. muscovy joe

    Male Duck Issue!

    from what I read the best ratio is anywhere from 1:3 males to females up to 1:7... the more girls per boy the better, if you have anything under 1:3 I would recommend culling or rehoming asap. breeding season is long and to have everyone separate that whole time then put back together would be...
  9. muscovy joe

    Looking for Duck House ideas

    My wife and I drew up the plans, I was in construction for 4 years, and my wife is in architecture. With nest boxes and food and water in in its hardly big enough. I wouldn't put more than 15 ducks in it for sure! I store my food bags out side and its still quite small inside the "quack shack"...
  10. muscovy joe

    Looking for Duck House ideas

    This is mine. It houses 11 duck for the whole winter, I'm on ontario, Canada, and it seems like winter won't quit! It's 8x12 with a 14x10 run.
  11. muscovy joe

    Rouen Duck thread

    Ok thank you
  12. muscovy joe

    Adorable Duck Video of Previously Hoarded Ducks....

    I bought two barn ducks that were afraid of water for a week! They still seem uncomfortable in it but will wash up. Muscovies.
  13. muscovy joe

    Ducks & Chickens Considerations

    I keep mine about 2 feet away, iv read some thing that they should be further away, but I don't think its too important.
  14. muscovy joe

    Rouen Duck thread

    interesting, I got mine in November and they have been breeding on land for about a month, I wasn't sure if he was just trying, or if its working....
  15. muscovy joe

    Ducks & Chickens Considerations

    This is a duck waterer I have, the bucket under it should be bigger. its just a pail in a heated birdbath. the yellow bucket cover with wire catches most run off from the ducks. I put clean water in it every morning, and it only freezes at -20C. an idea if you want a waterer in the coop,
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