Recent content by mukasorehari

  1. mukasorehari

    How to fight intestinal disease ?

    Oh my 😢💔 I’m really sorry for your loss… he is in better place now.
  2. mukasorehari

    road trip with my chickens

    Not the one with the answer here 😆 but interested with the topic so I’m following.
  3. mukasorehari

    Raising two chicks to be friendly

    Place the brooder on higher table / cabinet, as high as your eye level if you could, and pick a brooder that open from the front not from the top, So you could approach and interact with them from the front everytime, and they will be calm and friendly! Chicks at all age, even the tamest one...
  4. mukasorehari

    Slightly Sunken Foamy Eye with Pink Membranes (Photo)

    I'm sorry @chickens105 I need to ask one more question :D did you use Tylosin by inject, eyedrop, or drink water? Thank you in advance!
  5. mukasorehari

    Poop issues

    Hmm if drink is not the case then maybe there’s something with the feed or it is sign of illness. I read that chicken feed with too high protein than needed makes loose stool. Maybe you can check how much % protein in their feed? And % protein of their previous feed?
  6. mukasorehari

    Poop issues

    What is the temperature around your area? Chickens will drink more in warmer weather, and it makes their stool watery. Hope this helps!
  7. mukasorehari

    Slightly Sunken Foamy Eye with Pink Membranes (Photo)

    She is a 5-months-old White Brahma :hugs thank you @chickens105 it is so comforting knowing that I'm not alone. How is your Sweetie now?? And how old was she when she had MG? And for how long did you treat her until everything is cleared up? Thank you @Eggcessive :hugs this information is very...
  8. mukasorehari

    Slightly Sunken Foamy Eye with Pink Membranes (Photo)

    Do you also treat them with Terramycin? It has been 2 months she has that in her eye… I hope it will clear up soon.
  9. mukasorehari

    Slightly Sunken Foamy Eye with Pink Membranes (Photo)

    OK ❤️ thank you! I’ll try to find Terramycin first thing tomorrow. Will update more after the treatment!
  10. mukasorehari

    Turn now or wait?

    Also, I only turn 2-3 times a day, sometimes only once per day during the weekends, because I turn them manually. It is better to turn more frequently, but if you don’t have the time to do that don’t lose hope 😆 it still works with once per day.
  11. mukasorehari

    Turn now or wait?

    I start turning on day 3 and stop turning on day 18. It is the usual way in my country to left the eggs in the incubator the first 3 days untouched 😆 I just hatched my first batch two weeks ago, and they are perfectly healthy! ❤️ Good luck with your hatch!
  12. mukasorehari

    Slightly Sunken Foamy Eye with Pink Membranes (Photo)

    I have Chloramphemicol 1% eye ointment on hand… or should I use Terramycin?
  13. mukasorehari

    Slightly Sunken Foamy Eye with Pink Membranes (Photo)

    Thank you for your response! I looked it up a little bit on Google, is it bacterial infection? Is the membrane covering her eye will be permanent…? Will it cause blindness? I feel so bad not treating her the first time I saw some signs 😢 is it treatable?
  14. mukasorehari

    Slightly Sunken Foamy Eye with Pink Membranes (Photo)

    I attached another photo, of the membranes… One pink layer from under the eye overlapped by another layer right in the corner of her eye.
  15. mukasorehari

    Slightly Sunken Foamy Eye with Pink Membranes (Photo)

    Dear BYC, please help me to figure this out… My favorit White Brahma hen, Vanessa Paradis, has this two layer of pink membranes on her right eye, it doesn’t move. It’s not the third eyelid, her third eyelid still function normally… It makes her left eye sunken a little bit than the right eye. I...
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