Recent content by Muffett

  1. M

    Chickens eating Fish Food Pellets. Is it ok?

    I’m so glad to see your answer. Thanks
  2. M

    Opinions on best feed.

    Should say dumor
  3. M

    Opinions on best feed.

    I changed to dug or two bags ago and egg production has gone down 1/2 I went back to tractor supply inexpensive food.
  4. M

    Can mealworms be fed as a treat with a 20% protein feed?

    I too think just a treat not part of their feed is fine.
  5. M

    Do I need mealworms?

    My chickens love soldier worms! Rattle the bag and they come a running! So fun and such good protein for them. Seems I always have one or two hens that want to stay out in their run when I want to close them in their coop. Our second garage is now a barn as my husband built a large coop in...
  6. M

    How do I use spent grain as a supplement?

    I would ask your local mill or elevator. They should know as they deal in grain and mixing feed.
  7. M

    Soaking whole grain mix overnight for chicks

    Yes baked eggshells crushed are good calcium, however I read earlier today it isn’t good to give extra calcium to chicks because it stunts the growth of their bones. Please research this.
  8. M

    Alfalfa cubes soaked with crumble overnight

    The cubes need to be soaked for horses because they can choke on them. I would soak cubes because I don’t think they will be able to peck them apart. They’re really hard.
  9. M

    Alfalfa Cubes for Chickens? UPDATE

    I am growing bean sprouts for my chickens. Very easy. They love them. For the babies I put them in my chopper first. Now at 3 months they eat them without me chopping. You have the choice of how big you want them. Usually a week after initial soaking they are ready and fill the quart jar I grew...
  10. M


    Good morning everyone from northern MI. I’m 74 and hubby 69. We love our chickens. Hubby is new at this, I’m not. We got 5 Rhode Island reds a yr ago and 3 Jersey Giants. Our little fuzzy butts. We just got a variety this yr, ten total. More fuzzy butts! Lol. Babies were hatched the beginning of...
  11. M

    Make me feel better about penning my former free-rangers :(

    I don’t know about bugs but my hens can go out when they choose when the coop door is open. They have a large coop in our second garage and a nice size run which we are enlarging this summer. They are very happy and are ten months old now. We are adding more indoor space for babies this spring...
  12. M

    My Girls

    We bought them from tractor supply. We have 3 and 5 Rhode Island reds. We are going to get 10 more chicks when they have some.
  13. M

    My Girls

    I have a Jersey Giant that has white ears. The spot behind the eye. She is definitely a jersey giant. 10 mo old. I also have one that has a short comb. They’re 10 mo old.
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