Recent content by mswendeu

  1. mswendeu

    Poult price

    I live in WNY I have a flock of 16 heritage turkey poults. I’m considering downsizing. Wondering how much I can charge per poult? They are currently 2.5 months old. Hatched on 5/22-5/25. We have bronze, black Spanish, Narragansett, a few mixes. Just wondering an acceptable idea.
  2. mswendeu

    Week by week, a helpful picture guide to aging goslings.

    Mine are creeping to 6 weeks old.
  3. mswendeu

    Will my goslings and ducklings harm my chicks?

    So I had to put my chicks 4 weeks same age as my goslings outside for a day while my shed was moved. Well for one we almost lost one in the pool because it thought oooh a drink. Then mostly they stayed separate. It was time for me to bring them in and as soon as I opened the playhouse door to...
  4. mswendeu


    thank you for the congratulations. I know they are similar so that is the hard part. All the babies are mostly grey so they could be anything. 😂
  5. mswendeu


    Here they are I brought them outside for better daylight.
  6. mswendeu


    I ordered 3 pilgrim eggs and a set of 6 Toulouse, American buff, pilgrim eggs. So now I’m trying to figure out which ones hatched based on how they look. Out of 8 eggs only 4 hatched. I think only 3 are pictured here though At the time the 4th was in the incubator still. I’ll post another couple...
  7. mswendeu

    Sticky poult

    I have been working on him off and on all day long. So I used warm water in the sink and got i hope all the gunk and shell off of him put him back in the bowl with a dry paper towel, back in the bator closer to the heat and 🤞 he will be ok.
  8. mswendeu

    Sticky poult

    thank you this is very helpful.
  9. mswendeu

    Sticky poult

    Will this work? otherwise all I have olive oil
  10. mswendeu

    Sticky poult

    I had a turkey poult in the incubator to hatch. Well it’s membrane got stuck, it’s out, it’s got bits of egg shell on it and it’s eye is stuck open as theres some membrane I think stuck there, also it has a little yolk sack at the end of it. I have it in a bowl with damp paper I put it’s bum on...
  11. mswendeu

    In need of advice

    I did video the one with the crack but, I Don’t know how to upload iPhone video here. Wondering how long I should wait to see if they hatch now that I candled them tonight.
  12. mswendeu

    In need of advice

    its a farm innovators 4250 forced air. Since I added water now the humidity is up to 73% so I don’t know if I should lift the lid again or let it go. I don’t want it to drown. I don’t know how to calibrate so I guess I’ll have to look that up.
  13. mswendeu

    In need of advice

    I had 5 turkey eggs set to hatch over the last weekend. Yesterday one hatched a day late. There is also 2 in there that were supposed to hatch a week ago today. So 7 total. I left the one that hatched yesterday in there all night so he could entice the others to move it along I removed him this...
  14. mswendeu

    Comment by 'mswendeu' in article 'Guide to Assisted Hatching for All Poultry'

    I had 5 turkey eggs set to hatch over the last weekend. Yesterday one hatched a day late. There is also 2 in there that were supposed to hatch a week ago today. So 7 total. I left the one that hatched yesterday in there all night so he could entice the others to move it along I removed him this...
  15. mswendeu


    I did also, let the humidity run out for about a week when I realized the air cells weren’t big enough. So during that period it was running Between 25-30 give or take a little right before lockdown.
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