Recent content by Msbear

  1. Msbear

    Mille Cochin Info

    Hey Josh and Bantyman!! gosh, it's been so long. I still have them and my project has taken so many twists and turns, it's difficult to believe it's been this long. I think I've made some wrong turns but... pretty sure I'm back on track I've always been a stickler for type so I am happy in...
  2. Msbear


  3. Msbear

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    The last Maryland swapmeet before our ban goes into effect will be on August 29th. 8am-noon. PA NPIP breeders welcome. Time to unload some of those grow-outs. Green Hill Farm is located in western Maryland 30 min. west of Frederick and 1 hour north of DC.
  4. Msbear

    Chicken Breed Focus - Rosecomb Bantam

    My grandfather raised and showed bantam black rosecombs most of his life. I was able to get birds from a fella who had some of his line decades after he passed. I've had them for about 8 years. A few years ago I also brought in some wheaten rosecombs from New Mexico and have been crossing...
  5. Msbear


    I have golden cascades... point of lay trio (1 male and 2 females ) for $60 and ducklings of various ages $10 ea. unsexed mature hens are $25 ea. Im in sharpsburg. not the best pic of my ducks.. but some of them are in there... somewhere lol
  6. Msbear

    We will miss you Deerman

    sorry to find this thread. I haven't been on BYC much in years.. but frequently refer to Deerman posts when searching for info. He was always willing to share his wisdom. Thank you, Deerman
  7. Msbear

    Quality Handcrafted Coops custom designed for you in Sharpsburg, Maryland

    We have been making coops since our first coop sale right here on BYC back in 2009. Green Hill Farm Sharpsburg, Maryland Locally milled poplar board & batten siding, locally manufactured metal roofing in an array of colors, vintage details and beautiful finish work help our coops stand...
  8. Msbear

    Maryland Poultry Swap April 25th 2015 "The Chicken Whisperer," Dr. Peter Brown and APA Judge Paul

    It was awesome.. can't believe June is right around the corner and we will be doing it all over again... I am STILL whooped.
  9. Msbear


    a few pics I snapped at the swap
  10. Msbear

    Mille Cochin Info

    "Brave enough to ask???" More like brave enough to answer! She asked twice for opinions. It's no wonder why people scroll past these posts without answering anymore. It's much easier to watch other newbies with their "helpful" advice and scroll on... Meanwhile this person thinks they have...
  11. Msbear

    Mille Cochin Info

    When you ask for an opinion... be prepared for opinions. lol Lynne has some gorgeous birds. But, when you purchase eggs, you are NOT buying beautiful birds, you are buying a possibility of hatching a beautiful bird. That is why I personally buy started birds or adults so I know what I am...
  12. Msbear

    Mille Cochin Info

    They are pretty poor typed considering what a well typed cochin should look like. This guy below is a cross between a very nice well typed blue mottled bird and my mille fleur. I could still nit-pick (sp?) him to pieces but he's a heap better than what I had and loads better than what you...
  13. Msbear

    Mille Cochin Info

    well I am sorry I didn't sell you birds from my breeding pens... geez. good luck, Bobbi eta: ..and $45 for that pair is a steal. I started with birds with awful cushion too. But I spent lots of years working from that and constantly outcrossing for type. (buying from master breeders that...
  14. Msbear

    Mille Cochin Info

    First of all, you were selling Byron (the bird I sold you.. that came directly from a master breeder might I add) I saw the post on here!! and was shocked because he was amazing and could have really helped your project. I asked to buy him back because you were selling him. ...let's not...
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