Recent content by mrsp523

  1. mrsp523

    Help! Are these fertilized?!

    Have you ever gotten 4 eggs in one day? That could be the simple answer. 4 hens/4 eggs. We have gone almost a year once with no rooster, and most of our eggs still had the bullseye even though we knew they could not be fertile with no male around that long. I’m invested either way in outcome...
  2. mrsp523

    Safe to keep baby chicks in flock?

    We have a large enough coop that can have a door in to separate them. We use a screen door so they see each other. This allows hens to go out in run or free range and chicks safe inside but still part of group. When they are big enough to fend for themselves - or know to mind their business we...
  3. mrsp523

    First three days of no turning in new incubator - should I be worried?

    Please keep us posted, and I hope it “turns” out ok. I’m on day 3 and a 1/2 and just had an “oh sh*t” moment, egg turner didn’t get plugged in!!! I’m soo worried. Our last hatch didn’t go well as we had a hard time with temp and only got 6 that were late hatchers. This time we have temp and...
  4. mrsp523

    Chick with raw back Blue-kote?

    Hello, I have a 2 day old chick who didn’t hatch until day 23. Had a ruff start and is now missing lots of fluff on his back, other chicks keep pecking at it. For tonight I put triple ointment on it, but would like to put blue-kote on it to help keep other chicks from pecking so much at it...
  5. mrsp523

    Rooster fight left “dad” in bad shape

    No blood from beak or nostrils. Looked like blood was coming from foot, but that clotted up. Yes I have him with one of my quieter hens- told her she has a job to do lol. That was our thought - not to leave him alone in a cage as it might cause more stress. His beak possibly sounds like it’s...
  6. mrsp523

    Rooster fight left “dad” in bad shape

    Yes I’m thinking this method with light might be best. Thanks for your reply. He is limping and don’t want him to overwork the leg. And yes I’m keeping Dad- the beat up one- if he pulls through. He has shown to be a great rooster, protects well and although he is a bit older, he is mature and...
  7. mrsp523

    Rooster fight left “dad” in bad shape

    Yes thank you. We have bluecote spray that we will put on him in the morning as he has some blood spots. Also added questions. Where there is no natural light in the basement would it make sense to turn light off periodically during day to force some rest ( in stead of off night on day) or might...
  8. mrsp523


    I’m thrilled this story has a happy ending and hope the roo’s don’t continue to fight. I just made a post about my roo’s fighting and one getting injured. Read through this thread looking for any suggestions folks may have had. We won’t be keeping the instigator of this fight, he will be...
  9. mrsp523

    Rooster fight left “dad” in bad shape

    Hello backyard chicken peeps. We had a cock fight. Son of our welsummer roo decided after a year of them co- living with 24 hens he wanted to be the only king of the pen. We choose him because our welsummer is very large but docile, the son- who we just named Stew is a cross of dad and barred...
  10. mrsp523

    Official BYC Poll: How do you name your pet chickens?

    We named one of our roos Stew, we had that love/hate relationship with him.
  11. mrsp523

    Official BYC Poll: How do you name your pet chickens?

    Not many get names but when they do- it has a story. Example: Number 5, yes Number 5 is her name came to be because she was one of 5 in a hatch. And when counting at night we would constantly be looking for her. It would go like this often “1,2,3,4….where’s number 5. After a while it stuck...
  12. mrsp523

    Newbie here. . .from VA

    Welcome. It’s a great site with loads of information!
  13. mrsp523

    How do you get a good rooster????

    We have a Welsummer who is great - a big boy, but very tolerant of us. I picked him because they are known to often have good temperaments. I now have a young cross of him and our barred- also known to be calmer, he also is turning out well. But I agree that even the best can only take soo much...
  14. mrsp523

    Young hens (?) making loud strange noises

    I have a few that are just “talkers” like that, and one in particular right now...a young one who goes on and on...and on. Some grow out of it, some don’t. Each have their own personality.
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