Recent content by MrsEarthern

  1. M

    Shy Puppy?

    Your dog might be exhibiting anxiety. Trails in particular are a stimulation overload, when you consider the new smells, sounds, and sights. I would suggest sticking to a few trails, and try to take him on those trails when they are less busy, or at least go at a leisurely pace to allow for...
  2. M

    They lied to me, I need taller fences

    Leroy is a beautiful roo! We lost one hen to a fox because she could launch and glide over a six foot fence when the wind blows from the West, which is often. She liked to sleep under a wheel barrow. :/ The new girls are in an a-frame coop with an enclosed run, and I intend to build out an...
  3. M

    Coccidiosis and prolapsed vent?

    Bathing is a good start, keep their bottom clear so they don't get closed up. I don't know specific treatments, but recommend looking at threads about "Vent Gleet" and "Pasty Butt" on here. Hope everyone is ok, and best of luck!
  4. M

    Hen cannot stand or pull legs under herself >24hrs

    Sorry, I just realized the above link is incorrect. I have The Eliminator-Beginner; tag info above is correct. They have been eating this for about a month, we finished the last of it today.
  5. M

    Hen cannot stand or pull legs under herself >24hrs

    This is what they have been eating for ~ a month. The tag says 50 g/ton, Bacitracin Methylene Disalicylate, 0.0125% Amprolium.
  6. M

    Hen cannot stand or pull legs under herself >24hrs

    Thank you! It's kind of a mess here, honestly. I feel like the consult pushes the Corrid for the F&S because it's expensive more than because it's useful. The consult isn't a vet, and won't psychically see the birds; he works for the F&S, and got a little tripped up trying to tell me that they...
  7. M

    Hen cannot stand or pull legs under herself >24hrs

    I have hit a snag, I want to treat with Corrid since cocci is suspected, but no one out here knows if I can give Corrid with the Bacitracin medicated feed they are currently on.
  8. M

    Hen cannot stand or pull legs under herself >24hrs

    Thank you, the consult at the Feed & Seed thinks she has Coccidiosis. I am going to pursue treatment with Corrid. You are lucky, my neighbor lost a few to wet pox last year, necropsy confirmed; another lost her whole young flock a few years ago. I'm located adjacent to a state park and nature...
  9. M

    Hen cannot stand or pull legs under herself >24hrs

    Update #3: We're on Day 6 post-rescue, and Elvira seems to be stronger every day. The bad news is that either the roo, Nightshade, or the other ladies forced their way into the coop this morning and stole some food, and pecked a scab off. The good news is that Elvira climbed into a nesting box...
  10. M

    Hen cannot stand or pull legs under herself >24hrs

    I'm in SW Ohio, I work nights so I'm up late. I've never heard that fowl pox is a summer-fall only disease, and with our lack of real winters, I've read it's more likely to become common. And we've already had mosquitoes out...
  11. M

    Lethargic hen! Help!!

    Medicines lose potency over time, but they generally don't become toxic if stored properly, etc. I've thought something was expired, but after looking closer it was a manufacture date and said to use within 24 months, so double check if possible. Worst case, you might have to retreat per...
  12. M

    What Is This? White substance on hen's comb.

    Dry Fowl Pox can present as white, grey, or black lesions; so that is a possibility.
  13. M

    I know what to do, but can I?? Comb issue.

    I have read about, but never had to do comb surgery. I think the cut should be more like this, to reduce the open area. If you can't do it with a hot blade to cauterize it, then you need to have bleed-stop or similar product on hand and in open container that you can easily get a handful to...
  14. M

    How do you know your chickens are healthy?

    My primary concern about Avian Flu is not about human transmission, I am concerned about the spread in and effect on wild bird populations and the policy of culling whole flocks based on a single positive result. It's insane to me that billions, maybe trillions, were spent to figure out "Why...
  15. M

    Injured and Shocked hen

    I am glad that Atty is doing better. As someone relatively new to owning chickens myself, I have to ask if you are sure that you only have hens? With my first flock, I had 4 roos to 2 hens and found out the hard way that roos hitting puberty can be over-aggressive. I then raised six sex-links...
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