Recent content by Mr Beaks

  1. Mr Beaks

    Thought for sure I had two pullets but…

    Pic #1 is a pullet, pic #2 is a cockerel.
  2. Mr Beaks

    Easter Egger pullet or cockerel?

    Beautiful cockerel! I hope you choose to keep him.
  3. Mr Beaks

    Easter egger pullet not sexed right?

    Yes, it's a cockerel.
  4. Mr Beaks

    Is Betty a Bertie?

    Yes indeedy, Bertie it is.
  5. Mr Beaks

    Ended Official BYC 2021 Summer Fair—Artwork Contest

    This is from my daughter for this past Mother's day.
  6. Mr Beaks

    Four Week Old Easter Egger’s

    They're adorable! I'd give it a bit more time. If their combs turn bright red within the next two or so weeks you'll know that they're cockerels. Love your nails, btw!
  7. Mr Beaks

    What's the temperature where you are???

    Oh, how I WISH! Right now it's 77° which isn't bad but tomorrow will be 102°! I just can't take it like I used to.
  8. Mr Beaks

    What's the temperature where you are???

  9. Mr Beaks

    Ended Official BYC 2021 Summer Fair—Handcrafts Contest

    Being pinched for cash and all I learned how to make my own nails. Not sure this counts but wanted to share.
  10. Mr Beaks

    What breed are these?

    Pearl and Lucy look like my olive eggers.
  11. Mr Beaks

    Easter Egger Roo?

    Looks like a RIR pullet or something similar.
  12. Mr Beaks

    Sapphire Gem Gender?

    Pretty pullet. :thumbsup
  13. Mr Beaks

    Brahma and EE mix...gender help?

    How old? I'm guessing cockerel given the bright red comb.
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