Recent content by Mouzekin

  1. Mouzekin


    Hello folks! I'm new to the thread an will be "hopefully" moving back to Virginia this fall. Our home is in Williamsburg, but part of York county. I know a permit is needed for chicken and it is base on the size of the lot as to how many chickens you can have. Just wondering if anyone has gone...
  2. Mouzekin

    North Carolina

    Love this! That dog deserves a steak!
  3. Mouzekin

    North Carolina

    Aww man that really stinks! Hope the next batch has a better hatch rate
  4. Mouzekin

    North Carolina

    Wow! Looks like you folks are up to your arms in Broodies and chickies(and even some kitties ADORABLE!!!)! Good luck to all of you! Seems my EEer, Sweetie, decided to take your lead and go broody herself! Any advice on how to handle this? We don't have a roo so no fertile eggs. I'd have gotten...
  5. Mouzekin

    North Carolina

    Picture "liked"! Good luck! Miss Lydia- WOW! A bear! Crazy! Welcome new people! I got a lot of catching up to do *** far as reading the thread! So found out why my DS was sick. Turns out an infected bug bite was causing the fever. I had suspected as much but glad the doc confirmed it and we...
  6. Mouzekin

    North Carolina

    Yep! We have Dora, Sweetie, and Sour Puss.. Dot was the one who dies. They were all distinguishable. I think if they all looked alike we wouldn't have named them.:lol:
  7. Mouzekin

    North Carolina

    I have found no matter what the type of animal every once in a while you find on that is extra special! Edit: btw hope you are feeling better.. My DS is still down for the count poor guy!
  8. Mouzekin

    North Carolina

    Good question.. And I've been thinking about it alot lately.. I think I'd like to add one or two that have just started or are close to starting to lay eggs. Definately large enough I can put them in with the big ladies once they are done with quarantine. I'd love to add some color to my flock...
  9. Mouzekin

    North Carolina

    I can totally see your opinion as valid and true, but I guess it also depends on the type of farm you have and how it is run. If your animals aren't ever ment to be on the dinner table and you grow attached to them as pets, I think it can be a hard thing to deal with. I personally have never...
  10. Mouzekin

    North Carolina

    I'll be sure to for you! I don't know if you would be interested, but i'm catholic, and for us there is a specific saint dedicated to cancer patients if you want to pray to him. his name is St.Peregrine. Here is a link to his novena, and a small bio...
  11. Mouzekin

    North Carolina

    Thanks, I'm sorry to hear about your loss too! We are new to chickens as well and this is definitely a learning experience. My son took it like a trooper and no tears were shed! Thank goodness! Welcome to the forum and this thread! You'll meet a lot of awesome people here who have great...
  12. Mouzekin

    North Carolina

    Thanks :hug I hope the guy calls you back and says he can make it out there. Reminds me of the Simpsons episode where homer made a refrigerator tent.
  13. Mouzekin

    North Carolina

    Hey guys, I lost a chicken today. I wish I could say it was to a predator but I can't. It was due to my own negligence, naievity, and belief that my dogs would never do anything to them. I was sorely wrong. I walked out to see my Dane with a feather on her mouth, figured she had just licked it...
  14. Mouzekin

    Thanks everybody for your good thoughts and prayers - Julie lost the babies

    Im so sorry for your loss! I hope this doesn't stop her from continuing to try! :( she will be in my prayers tonight!
  15. Mouzekin

    North Carolina

    Nope.. Wasn't me. I didn't buy any chickens at the last swap.:(
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