Recent content by Mountainbeauty

  1. Mountainbeauty

    Muscovy male or female? ow can you tell tem apart?

    wat about a cross breed moscuvy
  2. Mountainbeauty

    Muscovy male or female? ow can you tell tem apart?

    sorta wat i tout sorry my keyboard is on te fritz
  3. Mountainbeauty

    Muscovy male or female? ow can you tell tem apart?

    sorry my keyboard is not totally funcial. so ere is my question. ow does size and colorin play into tellin tem apart?
  4. Mountainbeauty

    Identify my predator

    Explains the big eyes in the video
  5. Mountainbeauty

    Identify my predator

    Possum maybe
  6. Mountainbeauty

    Identify my predator

    move the camra to face the door more you can hardly see anything with it in the shadows
  7. Mountainbeauty


    that is a muscovy broody female I have three i love them
  8. Mountainbeauty

    Comment by 'Mountainbeauty' in item 'Lady Amherst's pheasant'

    Huh those are neat where do they come from. the coloring is amazing looks like a parrot.
  9. Mountainbeauty

    Is there any why you could locate Pavlovskaja chickens?? I am very interested

    Is there any why you could locate Pavlovskaja chickens?? I am very interested
  10. Mountainbeauty

    Review by '' on item 'Pavlovskaja'

    This Bird is amazing in every way. For where I live they would be great because of bein cold resistant. beautiful color!!!!!!
  11. Mountainbeauty

    What color is this chick?

    what color eggs dose she lay
  12. Mountainbeauty

    Muscovy keepers share your pics!

    I did to post pics of mine i have a huge male and three females and 14 babys between two mamas
  13. Mountainbeauty

    How to wing ducks from heat lamp? Need help

    I would give that a try but if doesnt work i would give them back their lamp and put it or a timer for the night and slowly cut back a half hour every night till they get used to it.
  14. Mountainbeauty

    Who's up for a good guess on this pullet?

    Its a Wellsummer pullet i have two myself and just figured it out.
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