Recent content by montana_chicks

  1. montana_chicks

    Hmmm… things aren’t lining up. Barred Rock, Cuckoo Marans, or Dominique?

    This is great information! I appreciate the time you took to answer.
  2. montana_chicks

    Hmmm… things aren’t lining up. Barred Rock, Cuckoo Marans, or Dominique?

    Hello there chicken experts! I have three 5 week old chickens I’m unsure about and would love to hear your thoughts… Chickens #2 and #3 are supposed to be Cuckoo Marans (pullets)… or so they were labeled. I’m beginning to think they’re actually Dominiques. Their combs and leg color aren’t...
  3. montana_chicks

    Abandoned chicken w/ potential issues.

    Thank you for the info. It’s actually a very large cage - I took really close pics for details. I didn’t want her in the coop with my ladies in case she has something contagious on her feet... and because they’d bully her. It’s still really cold where I’m at so just want to keep her warm at...
  4. montana_chicks

    Abandoned chicken w/ potential issues.

    Hello! A young sweet little polish bantam was dropped off at our place. I’ve raised many chickens but she’s got a few things going on that I’ve never seen before. 1) sleeps with head hanging down 2) has brown scaly stuff between toes 3) beak doesn’t close fully - I don’t believe this is really...
  5. montana_chicks

    What is this Ugly Thing?

    We have a friendly lady that looks just like that. She is an Easter Egg Chicken (Ameraucanas/Araucana mix).
  6. montana_chicks

    Racoon attacks - again!

    Terrible, I feel for you. My husband and I lost 5 hens to a raccoon... we finally caught the culprit and haven't had an issue since. We allow ours to roam the yard during the day and they put themselves in for the night. We've always locked them in every night, but the coon was able to make...
  7. montana_chicks


    I really appreciate your advice! I'll isolate her and let you know how it goes. I couldn’t give up the little one getting picked on… she is kind of our “baby” chicken. She and I hang out and sun bath while I enjoy my morning coffee on the weekends. She is a great little gal! The Wyandotte has...
  8. montana_chicks


    We've have an older Rhode Island Red, Bantam Frizzle, California White and Wyandotte and three younger about 5 months old (Americana, 2 silkies). The RIR and BF have always been the dominate pair, putting everyone else in their place. Lately however, the RIR, CW and W have been picking on the...
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