Recent content by Monkeybean415

  1. Monkeybean415

    Can I feed quail chicken starter feed?

    I want to feed my quail organic soy free feed if possible. I'm wondering if they'd be ok on chick starter or some other option than the game bird feed we were given. Thank you!
  2. Monkeybean415

    Newbie-- bobwhite quail for eggs? Housing?

    So I'm reading little bits here and there about them. Can I not put them on the ground where the chickens have been? Will some diseases spread? I see what you meant about more a rabbit hutch type of housing. Do they need space to fly around?
  3. Monkeybean415

    Newbie-- bobwhite quail for eggs? Housing?

    I'm running out the door but I should have mentioned in my post that they are bobwhite.
  4. Monkeybean415

    Newbie-- bobwhite quail for eggs? Housing?

    Hello. I would love some advice. I'm looking at getting 3 (1 male, 2 females) 1.5 year old bobwhite quail from someone local. Would I get an ok amount of eggs from them? What type/size of coop do I want? I think they're just on wire right now but haven't seen them yet. Most of the info I've...
  5. Monkeybean415

    Coop lighting - yes or no???

    If would wanted to give them some light so they can see and get up on the roost I don't see why that would be an issue. I just wouldn't leave the lights on all night. I would think once they're up they'd stay up even after the lights go out.
  6. Monkeybean415

    Coop lighting - yes or no???

    Once they're roosting do they get back down without the light?
  7. Monkeybean415

    Coop lighting - yes or no???

    Are you keeping the lights on all night? They should have some time in the dark. We only use lighting in our coop during the winter when we don't have as much sun light but turn it off from about 9pm-9am
  8. Monkeybean415

    Uncooked rice

    You're correct. It can expand in their crop rice should always be cooked before feeding to chickens
  9. Monkeybean415

    Starting to get excited about possible first hatch!! advice please!!

    I'm sorry I haven't been on in awhile. How are they doing? It's obviously too late but it's definitely been too long for any other chicks to be alive and hatch. Hope mama and her two chicks are doing well!
  10. Monkeybean415

    Starting to get excited about possible first hatch!! advice please!!

    Congrats on the new chicks! I'm sorry about the loss but I think that can happen for a number of reasons and it maybe wasn't strong enough to survive out of the egg. There's a good chance you'll get more chicks in the coming days. It can take 2-3 days for them all the hatch
  11. Monkeybean415

    Broody Hen Thread!

    Silverlacedlady- I'm sorry for your loss. I hope things go better this time around. I decided to separate mine because our last broody we left in the nesting box and there was always chaos in there every day. We have 4 boxes for 9 hens so plenty of room to share but they insisted on using the...
  12. Monkeybean415

    Broody Hen Thread!

    For those of you that move your broodies into a separate area do you let her out once a day to go outside? Mine is in a crate in the garage right now and finally settled into her eggs. I have food and water in there with her but she hasn't touched it in a day or so. I also don't see any poop in...
  13. Monkeybean415

    Hatching eggs and 2 broody hens

    Congrats! I've read that the second hen can sometime abandon their nest when they hear the first chick hatch from the other broody. Did you put all of her eggs under that first one? Hope the rest of your hatch goes well! I'm dealing with a new broody today and trying to get her to sit on these...
  14. Monkeybean415

    Integrating new chicken troubles

    We do have a small covered run attached to the coop but I haven't wanted to keep everyone locked up in there all day but maybe that's our best option. I don't have to round up the big layers they know to go on or can be easily lured by food. It's the newbies that won't go in. They want to get...
  15. Monkeybean415

    Integrating new chicken troubles

    I have 4 month old pullets I'm trying to integrate into the flock. They all free range during the day but I'm having problems with nighttime. They all want to hide and cram into a nesting box and I have the hardest time chasing them all down to put away. How am I supposed to coop train them if I...
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