Recent content by Monde des Poulets

  1. Monde des Poulets

    Duckling refusing food and water

    I recently had 7 runners hatch. The first hatchling was falling behind in weight, and would just peck at the others and started separating from them... wasn't eating (starter crumble) or drinking. I took a hard boiled egg and a large pinch of nutritional yeast and whizzed it up in the food...
  2. Monde des Poulets

    Review by 'Monde des Poulets' in article 'Guide to Assisted Hatching for All Poultry'

    Very informative! Thanks for this info. I'm currently hatching my first runner ducks (day 26), and I'm a nervous duck parent! 🤪
  3. Monde des Poulets

    Howdy Y'all!

    I have lived in Stuttgart off & on for more than 10 years! Thanks for the welcome!
  4. Monde des Poulets

    Howdy Y'all!

    Lived in Omaha for 10 years... miss it!
  5. Monde des Poulets

    Howdy Y'all!

    I've been a long time lurker, and have finally decided to take the plunge back into Poultry Culture. I do have 'intermediate' experience with animal husbandry, having lived & grown up on my G-Ma & G-Pa's cattle ranch in northern California. Back in the day we had a little bit of everything...
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