Recent content by MomvdH

  1. MomvdH

    Feather Pecking

    Your set up is amazing and beautiful!
  2. MomvdH

    Constant Feather Picker-Bearded Only Though, Advice?

    No answers, but following to see what folks share. We have one buff who has had her neck feathers pecked. No blood, but not able to grow back yet. No mites. No other hens affected. Not sure sure who the pecker is, but I have my suspicions.
  3. MomvdH

    Bald Neck - 10 Months Old

    I’m curious, did you ever figure this out? We have one similar. Only a bit worse. Same observations you had. No sign of mites, though we treated anyway, seems happy and unbothered. But the area just isn’t refeathering. If it is overgrooming by a flock mate, what do you do? Did yours...
  4. MomvdH

    New on here

    This is an older post, but I have a question about your handicapped you keep them in a separate pen? And do you just accept that that is how it will be because they will otherwise get pecked?
  5. MomvdH

    Molting or picking??

    We are a bit worried. Does this look like she is being pecked in the neck, or molting? We are new to chickens (10 months) , and only had experience with one obvious molt. This is our 6 month old Buff Orpington. At first we assumed she was getting pecked, but the patch is growing. So far no...
  6. MomvdH

    Neck feathers

    Thank you so much for the quick reply. This is our first winter with chickens, and we’ve not even seen a molt to know what it looks like, other than pictures of others…so we were a bit alarmed. And worried. It was nice to read others had 9 month olds with a partial molt in winter as well. I...
  7. MomvdH

    Neck feathers

    I know this post is a year old, but did you/do you, do anything. We are in an especially cold snap, so it concerns me that her neck is not fluffy and warm. Only one of our 8 has the neck feathers missing. There are pin feathers, it is not bald, and not red.
  8. MomvdH

    Sex and/or breed help

    Thank you for asking. 1 was a very definite roo. He was the last one we rehomed. It was sad, because he was so, so beautiful, but I’ve enjoyed our little flock much more since he left. I just feel less on guard. 2 is a hen laying lovely specked brown eggs. I still don’t know what breed she...
  9. MomvdH

    Tips needed for adding chicks to main coop

    Night temps are dipping to mid 50s right now. I weaned them off the heat lamp but it is quite a bit cooler. Daytimes are perfect 70s and sunny! And yes, I put the dog crate with the littles inside the covered run with the bigs. For a few days we didn’t open the dog crate door, just let them...
  10. MomvdH

    Tips needed for adding chicks to main coop

    We are new to chickens since April. We have 4 five month old hens. One Austria white, one Welsummer, and 2 silkies. We had to rehome 4 roosters. I wanted 8 total for our little coop, so we got 4 chicks - one buff Orpington, two Wyandottes, and one speckled Sussex, who are now 5 weeks old...
  11. MomvdH

    Cockerels. Make or break behaviors to thin out selection?

    Can I join in on this thread? All the above has been helpful in thinking through our situation. But I’m still unsure. We got 8 barnyard mix chicks in April. 4 turned out to be roosters. We were able to rehome 3, and kept our favorite from Chickhood. He is a marans of some sort, black...
  12. MomvdH

    Two roosters ….how to choose?

    I wish I could show you his “look” Mary, and have you tell me what you think. I hope I can grow with experience. They all still make me just a bit nervous.
  13. MomvdH

    Two roosters ….how to choose?

    Thank you, Mrs. K. I think this was just the help I needed to make the decision. We are new, and I’m still a bit nervous, with the roosters especially, after reading (too much). I think we will all enjoy our little flock more right now, without the worry, and then with time, and more...
  14. MomvdH

    Two roosters ….how to choose?

    No, we have a pretty large hoop coop for their run, attached to this coop. I never wanted a male. No reason to have one, really, we just got attached to all the chickens, that’s all.
  15. MomvdH

    Two roosters ….how to choose?

    I know no one can make the decision for me, but out of 8 chicks, we ended up with 4 roosters. Two have been rehomed, and we now need to decide which of the remaining two to keep, if any at all. We cant free range, so don’t really need a rooster for protection. They are 17 weeks old. One is a...
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