Recent content by Momoftres

  1. Momoftres

    Full, squishy like water balloon near vent, not walking

    Thank you so much. Did your hen have trouble walking?
  2. Momoftres

    Full, squishy like water balloon near vent, not walking

    OK, so it’s about the same hen I posted yesterday. She can only walk a few steps. She was getting better today walking more but now when I feel her area around her vent, it feels very full and like it’s full of fluid. Any thoughts? I’m very worried about her. She is a two-year-old wellsummer...
  3. Momoftres

    Hen is only able to walk a few steps, then falls down. Please Help!

    OK, so I’ve given her scrambled eggs, tums, brewers yeast. I felt for an egg and did not feel for one. She seems to be running a fever. I’m thinking this is Mareks. Any other ideas?
  4. Momoftres

    Hen is only able to walk a few steps, then falls down. Please Help!

    I have her out lukewarm water bath right now, I checked her vent and I don’t see any signs of mites
  5. Momoftres

    Hen is only able to walk a few steps, then falls down. Please Help!

    They are on egg layer pellets with 16% protein. I do have Tums. I just gave her nitri drench. Kambach farms?
  6. Momoftres

    Hen is only able to walk a few steps, then falls down. Please Help!

    I have a two-year-old wellsummer hen that is unable to walk more than a few steps without sitting down and using her wings to balance. She’s able to drink and eat if I bring her to the water. Her vent is nice and soft and I don’t feel Any. Not sure when she laid an egg last. What should I do? I...
  7. Momoftres

    Green Queen- pullet or cockerel

    Hi there! I have a green queen hatched from November 6, 2023. I don’t have much experience with this breed of chicken, any thoughts on gender? Sexed as a pullet.
  8. Momoftres

    Blackened/ bruised combs??

    A few of my hens have this blackish discoloration on their combs. I just noticed it a couple of days ago. They are about a year and a half. There are no scabs or lesions just discoloration. Is this normal?
  9. Momoftres

    Horrible smelling crop and poop- Lethargic and isolating

    Thank you! Just dosed her with Monistat- appreciate your help :)
  10. Momoftres

    Horrible smelling crop and poop- Lethargic and isolating

    1) Splash Maran 2) Acting lethargic, still eating somewhat- isolating from the group. Not sure she has laid an egg in a while but her vent area is soft. Lots of green stool (formed) below her vent. Crop feels like a soft water balloon and is larger than normal. While mashing it, she burped...
  11. Momoftres

    Lethargic hen with diarrhea:

    So much better, thank you for checking on her! Monistat cream for the win!
  12. Momoftres

    Lethargic hen with diarrhea:

    Ok, thank you! I just read that one :) I was thinking it wasn't sour since there was no smell, but I will treat her and see how she does
  13. Momoftres

    Lethargic hen with diarrhea:

    Yes, she is laying. I believe yesterday I got an egg from her. I think it could be a crop issue. I picked her up and a bunch of fluid came from her mouth and her crop feels soft and watery, but not tight like a water ballon. I can feel some small hard grit in the bottom but it is mainly...
  14. Momoftres

    Lethargic hen with diarrhea:

    I have a 28 week hen that is acting lethargic. Some mild gurgling sounds very intermittently. She will pack and eat couple of pellets and then go and lay back down. She has watery stool. I brought her inside and gave her some electrolytes I noticed a purpleish hue to the top of her comb. I have...
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