Recent content by mommiextwo

  1. mommiextwo

    Emergency Evacuation Preparation

    I have 9 hens and want to get an evacuation plan in mind before I ever need to use it. I also have 2 rabbits that live with them in their large run/coop and want to get carriers lined up for them, too, if we ever need to leave. What did you folks find worked best to transport your hens in? I...
  2. mommiextwo

    Review by '' on item 'Plymouth Rock'

    The two I have are the friendliest in the flock of mixed birds. If you want a chicken to love you...this is your breed.
  3. mommiextwo

    Comment by 'mommiextwo' in item 'Plymouth Rock'

    Hi! I have 11 chicks in the brooder box, the oldest are 6 weeks old. My 2 Plymouth Rocks are 5 weeks. They are incredibly sweet chicks. They have been the most tame and interested in me from the start. They literally run and fly over the over chicks to get to me, one of them waiting her turn...
  4. mommiextwo

    Head Shaking

    Shoot, I was hoping for an answer to this. We have one doing this, and otherwise she seems perfect. She's growing like a weed. Thanks for any help!
  5. mommiextwo

    Comment by 'mommiextwo' in item 'Happy Hen Treats Mealworm Frenzy 3.5 oz Bag'

    ha! I so agree. I gave some to my chicks...twice, and they got so crazy we decided to wait until they're out in the coop so they'll be farther away from each other! Crack is a good word for it.
  6. mommiextwo

    I have some very attached chicks!

    Oh no!! Bite your tongue! lol. I'm so attached to these 'girls' that I'd be sad to have to give them up. I can't have roosters in the city.
  7. mommiextwo

    I have some very attached chicks!

    Hi! I have 11 babies in a brooder box in my kitchen, and even though I handle all of them there are 3 especially that want all my attention. I think it's so funny. They are barely 3 weeks old. 2 of the Plymouth Rocks and then one Silver Winged Wyandotte are so demanding it's amazing. They...
  8. mommiextwo

    Brooder boxes

    That is SUCH an awesome idea! I have 11 chicks in the largest Rubbermaid tote I have seen, but they will be huge before they'll get outside in the coop. It's still too cold here, so I have to keep them in til they're about 8 weeks old. Thanks for the tip, I'll hunt around tomorrow. Hey, the...
  9. mommiextwo

    Top 5 Backyard Chicken Breeds

    Thank you so much! I also got a Campine, a Sagitta and an Australorpe. Yep...I've got it bad. rofl! Our flock is complete now and our coop will be active, but not too crowded. I know these little gals are going to outgrow my brooder box, so that's got me a bit worried. I don't want to buy...
  10. mommiextwo

    Top 5 Backyard Chicken Breeds

    Thank you! Been busy with chicks and haven't popped back in. ;)
  11. mommiextwo

    Sagitta Breed - Looking for Info

    Nwbella and BoiseBurb, I'm sorry about your pretty girls and your losses all around, too. :(
  12. mommiextwo

    Sagitta Breed - Looking for Info

    Hi! I just bought a Sagitta chick today! She is lovely, a real beauty. Her marking are really unusual and striking. She has kind of a racer stripe down her back. The mgr at the ranch supply said they are typically very friendly, docile birds and are on the larger side. She fit right in...
  13. mommiextwo

    Top 5 Backyard Chicken Breeds

    Hello! I'm new here and am excited to read all the posts. I am starting with chicks this week and have 8. Plymouth Rocks, Buff Cochins, Silver Laced Wyandottes and Ameraucanas, two of each. I love them all, each and every one! lol So glad to have come across this site.
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