Recent content by MollySunshine

  1. MollySunshine

    Rhode Island

    For the run, hubby screwed the pallets together. This particular run, one side is for hens, the other side roo's. The middle separator wall is one pallet on top of another then screwed. We did place a pitched type roof over it so there are 2 x 4's, the only thing we bought for construction of...
  2. MollySunshine

    Rhode Island

    Welcome neighbor! Everyone's your neighbor in R.I.:D This site is a wealth of information. It is here that got me through my first year. We did a run built entirely of used pallets. It looks really nice. It really looks like a fence when lined up. Good luck! Instagram: riseandshinefarmri
  3. MollySunshine

    Wry Neck or something else?

    My Silkie experiences the same with the scratching of her neck. Although, she hasn't drawn blood. It seems to be worse in the morning. This morning, her scratching didn't last too long. Usually, it can be so bad that it interrupts her eating. I also noticed the shaking of the head back and...
  4. MollySunshine

    Wry Neck or something else?

    As I mentioned, I do not think she has Newcastles or Mereks. She is not declining. And she has had 2 less severe bouts of this in the past. She was able to recover in a week the first time and recovered overnight the second.
  5. MollySunshine

    Wry Neck or something else?

    One of my Silkies seems to have wry neck and is exhibiting the same motions you described. I had a vet look at her and Newcastles and Mereks were ruled out because she is not degrading in that fashion. She was placed on prednisone. It's been a week doing the suppliments and prednisone with...
  6. MollySunshine

    6 week old chick with wry neck now scratching her head...

    I realize this is a very old post but did you ever receive an answer to your question?
  7. MollySunshine

    How do people afford this?

    Your last line of being lazy and not getting a job made me chuckle. Self awareness is good :D and you've figured out a way to self support. Can't hate on that.
  8. MollySunshine

    Mollie Sunshine Chronicles

    Continuously learning....last night I got home and went directly to the coops to do the usual nightly chores. As I walked into the main girls coop, I noticed a strong ammonia smell. I took back more of the plastic that surrounds the coop to allow more air through the openings and waited a bit...
  9. MollySunshine

    How do people afford this?

    Amen to that! My ultimate dream is to have an animal sanctuary. If I won the lottery,I wouldn't have to worry about how I would find the money to feed and house these beings. We could be partners ;) I feel the most inner peace when I'm in the coops talking to my chickies. No one at the...
  10. MollySunshine

    Nugget thinks she's Jesus :D

    That was a good chuckle! The moral of the story, as you said, chickens can't walk on water and they aren't good swimmers.:thumbsup
  11. MollySunshine

    Mollie Sunshine Chronicles

    We survived the below zero temperatures of the past couple weeks. The last few nights were brutal! I found myself walking quietly to each coop in nervous anticipation as I opened each door. The main coop is usually the first and hearing the girls making their usual morning sounds was complete...
  12. MollySunshine

    Mollie Sunshine Chronicles

    ...because a foot or so of snow isn't miserable enough, the temperatures are expected to be below 0F this weekend. The good news is, I will be home. I don't know what else to do other than everything I've already done to help my chickies through these excrutiating temperatures. I did think...
  13. MollySunshine

    Mollie Sunshine Chronicles

    Happy New Year! As I mentioned earlier, it's incredibly cold here in the northeast lately. The other day after arriving home from work, I did my usual routine of going to the coops to close up, collect the eggs and check on my chickies. I notice all of the littles have chosen their roosting...
  14. MollySunshine

    Mollie Sunshine Chronicles

    Chickies are hanging in there. It has been incredably cold here the past couple of days. This morning it was a whopping 8F without the wind chill factor. This morning I did open the door that leads to their run. I hung plastic drapery over the opening so they can move freely from the coop...
  15. MollySunshine

    Mollie Sunshine Chronicles

    Correction, we can be found at riseandshinefarmri. that's what happens when i rush grrrr
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