Recent content by mksauce23

  1. mksauce23

    Interested in getting into Chukars, however I have chickens who free range…

    Hello! I’m interested in getting into Chukars, however I have chickens who free range when I’m home. I’ve read that they are susceptible to disease the chickens may carry. I live on a small acreage and would have the main bird enclosures separated. However, when my chickens free range they...
  2. mksauce23

    Can you sex mixed breeds

    She is a red speckled Sussex ;)
  3. mksauce23

    Can you sex mixed breeds

    I’m a first-time Hatcher”, in the middle of hatching a few eggs from my backyard flock — I have a barred rock rooster and various hen breeds: Cuckoo Maran, Australorp, Buff Orpington, Sussex... Ive read that a BR x BR you can sex by the size and shape of the spot on their head. I also read...
  4. mksauce23

    Hens Ganging Up/Relentlessly Attacking Familiar Coopmate

    UPDATE! I checked over my hen really good and found a nasty infected wound on her side, under her wing. 99% sure it’s from my roo’s spur.
  5. mksauce23

    Hens Ganging Up/Relentlessly Attacking Familiar Coopmate

    I have a coop of 9 hens and 1 rooster who have been living together for over a year now. Recently, seemingly all the hens are tormenting one of my buffs. I’ve picked out a few instigators who will run her down, and then when she’s laying down in full submissiveness they jump on her and take...
  6. mksauce23

    To Vaccinate or Not... (Marek's)

    I have an existing small backyard flock that I've gotten from several feed stores over the years (Tractor Supply, Orschlen's, etc.) and I'm looking to purchase more chickens online from a hatchery. At checkout they ask if I want to vaccinate for Marek's... After some research online I read...
  7. mksauce23

    3-4 week old chick lethargic and not eating.

    Hah! Gladiator would be great! Gladys is a RIR-- picked up approx. 3.5 weeks ago.
  8. mksauce23

    3-4 week old chick lethargic and not eating.

    Thank you everyone for the help! I haven't caught her (or him :O) pooping yet, but did see a few runny ones in the cage with the other chicks. I have picked up some Corid, and luckily Gladys is happy to drink!
  9. mksauce23

    3-4 week old chick lethargic and not eating.

    Help! I woke up this morning to one of my chicks (a few weeks old) not feeling well. Gladys is not eating, pretty lethargic, has a bit of a “penguin stance”, and doesn’t seem comfortable enough to lay down/roost. When she closes her eyes she just hangs her head. She will peck at food, but just...
  10. mksauce23

    Parasite Help

    Update! It appears she does have fly strike and had a quarter-sized open wound right under her tail feathers where more maggots were. I cleaned it thoroughly, used Betadine and an animal wound cleaner I picked up from Petsmart and covered it with petroleum jelly. The wound doesn't appear to be...
  11. mksauce23

    Parasite Help

    I thought it looked like a maggot more than a worm. However, is it odd that there would be half a dozen of them in and around one set of droppings? Also, I scoop the poop out of the roost every morning, so I found these not long after the sun came up before work. Would that be enough time for a...
  12. mksauce23

    Parasite Help

    I found a few what looks like tiny maggots/worms in and around one of my hen's droppings this morning in the roost. Are these roundworms? I would imagine they would look different. I worm my chickens with Wazine every fall when they molt & slow their laying... and have never had an issue with...
  13. mksauce23

    Ailing hen -- bruising on abdomen.

    She's been a pretty consistent layer up until the past couple weeks. I'm not sure about the onset of EYP, if it comes on quickly or over time. She didn't fully molt last fall and I feel like every once in awhile she's still losing a few more feathers, so short periods of slower egg production...
  14. mksauce23

    Ailing hen -- bruising on abdomen.

    I have a RI red that is ill. What started as slight lethargy quickly escalated to extreme lethargy and a nonexistent appetite. I brought her inside and have been trying to nurse her back to health. Symptoms : • lethargy • will not eat or drink herself • the typically white stuff in droppings is...
  15. mksauce23

    Strange Yellow Mass with Pic

    I've had chickens for 2 1/2 years, and my first case of an egg bound hen came just last week. I've been soaking her in epsom salt 1-2 times a day as well as squirting an olive oil/salene water mixture into her vent with a syringe. This morning I found an odd mass under where they roost, and I'm...
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