Recent content by mkeawsh

  1. mkeawsh

    Trainability of Guinea Fowl

    Trained my guineas to come when I whistle the tune - "This Old Man" because they know they will get a mealworm treat. They can be acres away in the woods and come running back when they hear me whistling. That is as tame as they are. Can not touch them but will get quite close to me.
  2. mkeawsh

    Ginea keets dying

    Is the starter produced by Purina? I purchase all my feed at TSC and make sure it is not produced by PurIna.
  3. mkeawsh

    Ginea keets dying

    Is the starter produced by Purina? I purchase all my feed at TSC and make it is not produced by PurIna.
  4. mkeawsh

    Egg with 3 different colors

    In the first picture, I set up these eggs in the house exactly how I found them positioned in the nest box. These are the tri-colored eggs that one of my hen's is laying.
  5. mkeawsh

    Warning graphic photo - RIP 2 keets

    Illegal to kill snakes in my state - even if they are threatening. Per a conservation officer who caught a person killing a copperhead that was threatening. Got fined. Don't say it too loudly until you know the law in your state.
  6. mkeawsh

    Guineas going in the road!!

    I don't find guineas very trainable.
  7. mkeawsh

    Why are tbey so small

    They have a ways to go before they are even mature.
  8. mkeawsh

    Why are tbey so small

    How old are they? Mine did not look like they were full grown until they were about 6 months, even though they are mature around 4 months. Some were still smaller than others but they caught up.
  9. mkeawsh

    Guinea chicks HELP can hear parents and vice versa not thriving

    Yes. I have had guineas for many years. Also incubated and brooded them myself. I have not had the problems you have described. Mine have disappeared mostly from predators - foxes, coyotes, hawks, owls etc. I also have been in animal rescue which is beside the point.
  10. mkeawsh

    Guinea chicks HELP can hear parents and vice versa not thriving

    Give them back to the parents. You took them so they don't die but appears they may because of your actions.
  11. mkeawsh

    Is this Guinea a cinnamon?

    I have one that looks exactly like that. I call him Cotton (my daughter named). He is the prettiest one I have. I figure it is just a mixture of multiple genes from different colored guineas.
  12. mkeawsh

    How many Guinea?

    They are good watch dogs. 😊👍
  13. mkeawsh

    How many Guinea?

    If you raise them with the chickens, they will think the chickens are guineas and guineas are lot rougher on a chicken than they can handle - feather pulling and stress on the chicken. Mine were raised separate and they could see chickens while they were being raised but that was it. Now that...
  14. mkeawsh

    Guineas chasing Deer?!

    When the guineas alarm call, my Great Pyrenees and Boxer/German Shepherd come to join in on the threat. We had a cottonmouth down by the creek years ago and the guineas just hollered at it until it moved into the water and preceded to stand on the edge for another 15 minutes telling it to stay...
  15. mkeawsh

    Guineas chasing Deer?!

    Mine start hollering at snakes and follow, keeping up their noice until they are quite far away. We have copperheads around. And if they miss some, we have opossums who love to feast on snakes.
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