Recent content by Mk_lanch

  1. Mk_lanch

    Poland chicks pullet or roosters??? ***pics**

    Just thought i would update this for anyone else trying to sex their polands. all of the polands in the pictures turned out to be boys.
  2. Mk_lanch

    merging together 2 breeding pens with

    if the weather is nice on the weekend i will try to integrate the 2 groups. but i will be watching very closely
  3. Mk_lanch

    merging together 2 breeding pens with

    I have 2 serama breeding pens. 1 pen consists of 5 hens and 1 rooster and the other one has 8 hens and 2 roosters. both pens have been next to each other for 4 months so they have already got used to each other and no longer fight between the fence. i would like to merge the 2 pens into one...
  4. Mk_lanch

    3 day old chick walks on hocks and cant needed please

    ok so my conclusion is that she must have perosis (slipped tendon). i am going to put both legs into their correct position and vet wrap them to keep them like that. i have made a sling for her to be in. this is my last resort so fingers crossed that this works
  5. Mk_lanch

    3 day old chick walks on hocks and cant needed please

    Update So I treated the chick as if she had splay leg as her toes are a little curled and her feet wide apart. She manages to get up for short periods but her legs are still very bent. Her hocks have also got a little swollen as she was leaning on them alot. I have been giving her vitamin b2...
  6. Mk_lanch

    Help! Blister and swollen leg joint on chick!

    hi, do you have any updates on this chick?
  7. Mk_lanch

    3 day old chick walks on hocks and cant needed please

    sorry im from the uk, so it was early afternoon. tendons seem fine
  8. Mk_lanch

    3 day old chick walks on hocks and cant needed please

    thank you for your response. chicks feet are ffine however she doesnt more them or grip anything. i will try the coffee mug therapy and see if it helps
  9. Mk_lanch

    3 day old chick walks on hocks and cant needed please

    hi, i have a 3 day old vorwerk chick that cannot walk/stand. her legs are shaking alot too. a little bit of backstory, i was hatching her (and her sibllings) out under a broody. all was going well until day 15/16 when i was checking on my broody and notice one egg had slipped out and was...
  10. Mk_lanch

    chicken run ideas please, what materials etc!!

    i hadnt thought of that. i will have a look online. thank you
  11. Mk_lanch

    chicken run ideas please, what materials etc!!

    my metal run is 6m x 6m, if i buy it now it will cost around £700 (with upgraded mesh) takes ages to put together though as its all held together with cable ties. i have ok building skills and with everything i do i'm learning. yes as an apron.
  12. Mk_lanch

    chicken run ideas please, what materials etc!!

    thank you :) i will have a look for the wood
  13. Mk_lanch

    chicken run ideas please, what materials etc!!

    Hi, i've not long brought my smallholding property and have a large 2 acre field. i would like to build a number of runs next to each other so i can keep my breeding pens organised. i don't want these runs/pens to be too small. there would be a maximum of 5 hens to 1 rooster in each cage...
  14. Mk_lanch

    Silver laced Wyandotte bantams - sexing?

    what was the outcome?
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