Recent content by mjlabs

  1. mjlabs

    Size of Coop for 15-20 chicks???

    I ordered 15-16 chicks from Meyers (they may include more?) and will be receiving them the first week of april. I'm going to start building the coop and was wondering what size coop building to construct. I remember on here seeing how many sq. ft. each bird needs but cant remember. What size...
  2. mjlabs

    Any hatcheries that will let you order less than 10?

    meyer hatchery has a min. order of 3 but I think you pay big time on shpping cost with that number of birds.....I just ordered 16 from them....
  3. mjlabs

    Nest boxes-how high off the floor?

    16 - 18 inches ....around there should be fine.....
  4. mjlabs

    best rooster breed?

    for roos I ordered a buff orpington and a new hampshire red.....we'll see what happens...
  5. mjlabs

    How old is old for a hen ??

    I would keep the hens a few years at least......they wont slow much
  6. mjlabs


    today 55 degrees and sunny.....tomorrow 25 and accumulating snow. c'mon spring!
  7. mjlabs

    Helpful List of Hatcheries & Breeders

    Thats handy....thanks!
  8. mjlabs


    cant wait......thanks for all the hard work...
  9. mjlabs

    Help please....I'm new to chickens and have questions!

    yep......will need a roo for hatchin...........
  10. mjlabs

    How to tame a roo??

    Quote: Well, I work with teenagers and know that not all teenage activities necessarily portray the outcome of the adult! Gash is certainly getting more independent and I want him to be a good roo, so I'm trying to keep him in "check" Sorry, I thought you was making a joke by saying...
  11. mjlabs

    How to tame a roo??

    haha......"teeneager"....good one....
  12. mjlabs


  13. mjlabs

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Daaaaaaaaaaaa Bearssssssssssssssss Bears fan but pulling for the Packers at this point.......good luck cheeseheads on a back to back!
  14. mjlabs

    How to tame a roo??

    Quote: Well said......thats some good info for a beginner like me. I posted this else where but maybe you could give me your opinion on roosters. I'm ordering approx. 15 chicks and was wondering what the hen/rooster ratio should be? Should I order one roo, two? three? for this size of flock...
  15. mjlabs

    extra chicks with order???

    Vina8- Did you order them last year for february or do you have a pending order for this february?? If you ordered these birds last year how do you like them? I am ordering basically the same birds, only through Meyers.
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