Recent content by mjkern3030

  1. M

    coop question for a divided coop

    I am just on the other side of the lake from you a little more west - but a bit further north. the design so far is: Walls are 14 feet, the three shelves are almost 3 feet wide. One end is currently open as depicted here. There is a floor going almost to the end of the wall. it is just...
  2. M

    coop question for a divided coop

    So I am building a coop for two (or more?) tractors. I have a small area in the front (or back depending on what you want to call it) that will house a chick nursery on the top level, under that would be two very small coops for one rooster each (spares), then the very large area of the rest of...
  3. M

    Build a Chunnel...

    is there a way to build a chunnel smaller so i can use it to confuse the goats and sheep from entering the coop but still allow the Chickens easy access? I am thinking a 'T' with smaller openings easy for the chickens to get in from two directions, but not the small goats. I would have a very...
  4. M

    coop run opening for allowing free-range

    need design ideas on how to keep sheep and goats from using the opening to access the coop/run area. I have a run with the coop raised. The door is up in the air and would be difficult for the sheep or goats to get into, but one goat managed to squeeze through the run door (after taking a run...
  5. M

    very young flock and slightly older roosters

    That is a great plan. I am planning on building an additional coop to move the old girls into that coop yet unbuilt coop and make that third coop a free range coop as well. The first coop was old and imobile so it was going to be a 'old girls home'. I will have two large tractor type coops...
  6. M

    very young flock and slightly older roosters

    had not thought of that, thanks!
  7. M

    very young flock and slightly older roosters

    Have looked at a lot of posts and would like some advice since there wasn't anything that directly applied. I have a set of 6 old very aggressive chickens. They already exhibit 'rooster like' behavior as hens (they lay eggs, so I know they are hens) but they definately try and crow as hens...
  8. M

    New flock introduction and my introduction

    I have a situation that I need advice on. I am also doing a search and taking all the suggestions of past posts. BUT... I have two new roosters at about 10-15 weeks that are somewhat close to full grown. I have 6 existing hens, two are buffs, two are Rhode Island Reds, between those 4 they...
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