Recent content by Mistifire

  1. Mistifire

    Legs out behind her... Dislocated?

    threehorses, In my area there is a problem with flour moths. They get into any grain, bird seed, pasta, corn chips etc fresh or not and lay eggs, and the larva eats the grain. I don't use DE because I heard it might help on bugs, I use it because it does work on the bugs we have in this...
  2. Mistifire

    Legs out behind her... Dislocated?

    Thanks for the responses, They were on medicated chick mash until they were put outside full time, which wasn't very long ago. They were only picking out the big pieces of corn and not eating anything else in the chick mash. They eat the layer pellets and whatever bugs and plant materials...
  3. Mistifire

    Legs out behind her... Dislocated?

    My Black Australorp was fine the day before, but I found her laying down and she was unable to get up to greet me. I took her inside and checked for wounds or bruising but didnt find any, she will grab my finger if I press it to her foot so she can feel and control her feet, but now she lays...
  4. Mistifire

    Something ate my chicks

    The pen looks normal, the wood shavings that pile up in front of the gate are not even disturbed. I am still not sure how they got out. The other babies are up on top of the wood house inside the pen where the big girls are, they usually dont get that close. Poor things look scared
  5. Mistifire

    Something ate my chicks

    Not that I saw when I was counting chicks, but I will look closer. Now that I am more calmed down the pieces I thought were hearts are almost certainly hearts. I did find a wing piece under one of the intestines when I was cleaning up. This may be an odd question, but if the chicken foot...
  6. Mistifire

    Something ate my chicks

    Would a cat be able to eat two pigeon sized chicks? We haven't found any bones in the yard other than a foot.
  7. Mistifire

    Something ate my chicks

    I came home from breakfast with family and found pieces of chicks. I am not sure what killed them, they were in the pen but it was the two smallest ones and they may have escaped the pen on their own. I did find one of the two out before but I can't see how they are getting loose. I just...
  8. Mistifire

    New babies....Help me ID them?

    I bought 5 chicks from a lady who had 4 rubbermaid bins full of them in her kitchen. She said she got them from Privet. She took them from the bins that were labeled and wrote down hatch dates and types of chicks. But now that they are getting more wing feathers i am not sure I got what she...
  9. Mistifire

    This is a cute game
  10. Mistifire

    Escaped Parakeet

    I dont know how you feel about another bird but you could buy another one and put it in her cage, they prefer the company of their own kind so it may help with getting her to leave the finches. There was a parakeet loose around on my street for a few months, it was following the wild birds here...
  11. Mistifire

    Diatomaceous earth--- Really that harmless?????

    You shouldnt breathe any type of dust particles often as it can cause problems, people that keep pigeons can get lung problems from pigeon dust but it doesnt mean the pigeons are toxic. I have been using it on food and it makes the egg shells very hard. I have a cockatiel that was very dusty...
  12. Mistifire

    feedstore chicks?

    You are lucky that the employees knew what they were talking about. The feed store I went to wasnt so great... they couldnt tell me what they were, couldnt even say if they were standard or bantam. They were terrible about the easter pet thing, They had baby ducks, chicks and a bunch of...
  13. Mistifire

    Valentinesday photo contest I need your votes

    I voted for you. It was one of the best pictures in there, not many valantines themed pics for a valentines pic contest.
  14. Mistifire

    HELP !!!!!!!! They want to take our chickens!

    If none of your neighbors complained, i would hide them off of your property or put them inside and have him come inspect it, then just bring them back when he finds someone else to bully. I was able to get the ordinances changed in my area by a play on the way they worded "household pets" We...
  15. Mistifire

    Anybody raise Feathered Mice ?

    I raised a button from an egg, he was with me 24/7 and would follow me around the house and call me if I went too far. He wasnt a good example for how most buttons act because he thought he was people too, so I cant say if they are flighty. He thought he was 6 feet tall and would attack...
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