Recent content by mikeysee

  1. M

    quail-raised guineafowl

    I had one of my chickens take in a couple guinea eggs that were laid in the box and she raised them with her brood and the two keets became part of the flock and were much quieter and better behaved than guinea raised birds. They imprinted on the flock and never went semi feral like our other...
  2. M

    Hi I'm Mikey

    Thanks everybody! I feel very welcome :love
  3. M

    Coturnix vs Serama bantum

    Thank you. I've had chickens raise guineas, ducks, turkeys and pheasants years ago when I was a kid. I was pretty naive with regards to disease and temperament but we did have to remove a drake that was forcing himself on our hens with disturbing frequency and of course radically different...
  4. M

    Coturnix vs Serama bantum

    Has anyone housed Serama with Quail?
  5. M

    Incubating California quail eggs

    How big is it now?
  6. M

    Hi I'm Mikey

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? The first time I had chickens was when I was 5 years old in Northern California about 1976. We reared several mixed breeds for over 20 years and also raised muscovy and cayuga ducks, guinea fowl, turkeys, pheasants and pigeons. We...
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