Recent content by michellers

  1. michellers

    A little older now...

    They hatched May 23rd, so a month tomorrow!
  2. michellers

    Making modifications for my "special needs" chicken

    So my little Hipster (my students named him) has a hip luxation per a vet/bird specialist. We had x-rays done after a week old. We are starting to work on our chicken run, as it used to be our duck run before we built them a larger space. The "new" chicken run is a 6'x12' enclosed run...
  3. michellers

    A little older now...

    Thoughts? I'm worried I have a roo and not a hen like I thought.
  4. michellers

    First time chicken owner, long time duck owner

    One of our school's bus drivers. Sounds like he has a mixture himself, so I am not sure the breeds the eggs came from. I'm more curious about gender on the two I pictured. Fingers crossed for hens because those two I planned on keeping!
  5. michellers

    First time chicken owner, long time duck owner

    My 5th grade students and I hatched 9 chickens last week! Completely unsure on breed and gender, as I am used to my 4 ducks at home that I specifically ordered a particular breed and gender. This yellow one hatched one week ago yesterday. The black one hatched a week ago tomorrow. Any ideas...
  6. michellers

    Duck area upgrade!

    Did a little more today. Added 15 bags of pea gravel inside the enclosed part of the duck building and put up some poultry netting on the half wall. They haven't spent the night in there yet because their bedding/nesting area is in the other coop near the house. They spent the majority of the...
  7. michellers

    Duck area upgrade!

    Updates this weekend have included: - poultry netting inside, attached to the fencing panels - gate - wall inside the shed/coop to split the enclosed area to the open area (eventually the pond area)
  8. michellers

    Duck area upgrade!

    Yesterday and today, Rachel and Phoebe were able to spend the day in their new area. I haven't had them spend the night there yet, but they are getting more curious and checking out the other areas of their new space.
  9. michellers

    Duck area upgrade!

    Yesterday was shingles and the gutter. Didn't bother with downspout until I have the height of my rain barrel figured out. Love seeing progress!
  10. michellers

    Duck area upgrade!

  11. michellers

    Duck area upgrade!

    Thank you! Since this post, adjusted the roof and screwed it to the framing. Reinforced some areas. Paneling is going on next. Looking forward to "see" it come together!
  12. michellers

    Duck area upgrade!

    I do live in Wisconsin, so the current duck run will double as the "winter home" for the ducks. They don't get a pond in the winter, so they will have more space inside of there. We use tarps to help with a couple of the sides for the wind. The back side is open since the garage is there to...
  13. michellers

    Duck area upgrade!

    It's time to upgrade the duck area for Rachel and Phoebe (Blue Swedish, over 2 years old now)! Our current duck coop and run is about 6' x 12' and is located within our 5-foot chain-link backyard. The space is shared with our dogs when they go outside (2 Danes, 3 Beagles, and whatever foster dog...
  14. michellers

    Combined my two little "flocks"

    They are nervous little things, but once I pick them up, they are happy and content being held. They don't like being separated and out of sight from each other.
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