Recent content by MiaS

  1. MiaS

    Chicken coop designs

    Thank you. I am very happy with it :)
  2. MiaS

    Chicken coop designs

    Hi, my plans were taken pretty much directly from the Woods book, improvising a bit for my pop door location and window sizing. The best I have is the images of my build. Sorry. The one thing that was a bit sketchy was that the book does not really show much of a header for under the upper...
  3. MiaS

    Woods question - again :)

    I thought I bought my windows here but now I don't see the awning style ones that I used at the front...
  4. MiaS

    Doughy Crop Question

    Oh I can get colloidal silver!
  5. MiaS

    Doughy Crop Question

    ARG we don't appear to be able to get Acidified Copper Sulphate here in Canada, only copper sulfate...I don't feel confident that they can be used interchangeably!
  6. MiaS

    Doughy Crop Question

    Hi all. I have read many articles and forums to help me deal with what I think is doughy crop in one of my ladies. I have tried what feels like everything to clear it. I've tried the yeast buster recipe, monistat and also flucanozole. The crop remains fuller than it should be and still doughy...
  7. MiaS

    Help! Sudden onset of runny poops.

    Hi all. I've got an 18 month old Ameraucana hen who has been laying super thin shelled eggs for several weeks now. She is about molting age from what I'm understanding but has not yet entered a molt that I would recognize. She has a bare bottom but has for quite some time now - not sure what...
  8. MiaS

    First Cull, Didn't go so well

    Awe, I'm sorry that this did not go as you had planned and practiced for. Such a hard thing to have to do. I wish it had gone more smoothly for you.
  9. MiaS

    Sweet PDZ vs Zeolite

    I'll take a picture
  10. MiaS

    Sweet PDZ vs Zeolite

    I bought some Sweet PDZ last time I was in the US but it really is just Zeolite in a smaller grind. I've mixed zeolite in to stretch it out and that worked just fine. Because I don't know when the border will open I will likely try this next time, out of Airdrie
  11. MiaS

    Integrating 2 with 1

    Hi all, Happy Mother's Day to all of you who are mammas! I have only one of my original flock left, an Ameraucana who was bottom of the pecking order, and have purchased two RTL pullets. I have a Woods coop so I've fenced off the front of the coop and the new girls are in that section so they...
  12. MiaS

    Socializing a new puppy to chickens, any successful strategies?

    Thank you. It was a big loss, but she lived to be nearly 18 and had a wonderful life. We had a wonderful life together...:)
  13. MiaS

    Socializing a new puppy to chickens, any successful strategies?

    Too late for that :) My purpose in getting a pup is non-chicken related, just hoping they can co-exist in their separate functions but on the same property.
  14. MiaS

    Socializing a new puppy to chickens, any successful strategies?

    So far, pup is most interested in chicken bedding/poop. Chickens are curious about her but she seems, to date, less interested in them. She is only 12 weeks old though so that prey drive to chase stuff is only just clicking in. She's also only just discovered the power of her sniffer. We go out...
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