Recent content by mfuqua

  1. mfuqua

    Transporting Chickens

    My chickens were snowbirds for the last five years traveling from Chicago to Florida. Dog crates work great with newspapers in the bottom. We changed papers at rest stops and at night so they were relatively clean and dry. The girls would even give us an egg or two on the road and the rooster...
  2. mfuqua


    We have had raccoons, possums, and hawks attack our chickens but the worst was the attack by our neighbor's dog. We are in the south suburbs. Ours free range during the day but are locked up tight at night.
  3. mfuqua

    Comment by 'mfuqua' in article 'Common egg quality problems'

    Great resource. Thank you for fantastic information and the photos to go with it.
  4. mfuqua


    Hello, I live in South Holland and have three White Laced Red Cornish, An Old English rooster and two new Mille Fleur babies. I love bantams and they have layer through the winter. I have a heating element under my watered and they do just fine. Good to know there is another chicken lover...
  5. mfuqua

    Witnessed A Vandalism CLOSE-UP (UPDATE Post# 116)

    I worked with behavior disordered teens for 30 years. They know exactly what they did and need to be held accountable. Them, not their parents. The behaviors these 18 yr olds exhibited don't sound like a one time deal. Perhaps they should be asked what they think they deserve to see just how...
  6. mfuqua

    Crushed Egg Shells for food?

    Mine go in a tin can on the counter and get crushed with a meat tenderizer. New ones get added to the top til the can is full.
  7. mfuqua

    Need small feeder idea for 4x3 coop.

    Chad, Love your feeder. I will have to make on of those. The standard feeder takes up too much room in my coop but your is up and out of the way. Great design!
  8. mfuqua

    what's a good chicken treat?

    Mine love flour tortillas. Especially if I hand feed them.
  9. mfuqua

    Yellow Jackets. . .BEWARE!!!!

    Love the Sevin idea for ground nests. I'll definitely try that.
  10. mfuqua


    I am in South Holland, IL, a south suburb of Chicago.I only have a few bantam girls and my boy, Lou.
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