Recent content by Mergade

  1. M

    Clear mucus in chicken mouth and not eating/drinking on her own

    I didn't think about the grit since she's eating so little. We free range here on the coast of NC, so have rough, sandy soil. Not pure sand. Been keeping chickens for 2 years and they definitely get all the grit they need, but letting her roam probably gave her enough grit to digest the little...
  2. M

    Clear mucus in chicken mouth and not eating/drinking on her own

    She has started eating!! Having trouble with mucus strands to actually get it in her mouth, but she's gotten a few pieces of scratch grain. I cut up celery leaves, carrots, radishes, but NO- she only wants her scratch grains. Spoiled. Doesn't appear to be drinking on her own yet, but I think...
  3. M

    Clear mucus in chicken mouth and not eating/drinking on her own

    Im the same way! Typing out loud can help other people brainstorm, too. Update for day 3 morning: her comb is a bit more vibrant in color and she is fiesty. She has some strength back, but after 5ml you can tell the swallowing has taken it our of her a bit. Crop still totally empty, hasn't...
  4. M

    Clear mucus in chicken mouth and not eating/drinking on her own

    We have been syringying 40ml of electrolyte water a day- 5% of her body weight. Crop is entirely empty and no sour breath. A new discovery as of 20 min ago (10 more ml and her antibiotics, which she HATES the taste of before we went to bed) is yellow pus debris that comes out when we swab her...
  5. M

    Clear mucus in chicken mouth and not eating/drinking on her own

    No improvement in the last few hours, just gave her some Baytril. She seems to have aspirated a bit of it due to the mucus (basing that on her reaction of gasping a bit and generally freaking out but no gurgling and she's stopped gasping, thank goodness, so fingers crossed). I will update again...
  6. M

    Clear mucus in chicken mouth and not eating/drinking on her own

    The lump in her crop is now gone, so either I missed an impaction yesterday and it cleared (it was almost rock hard) or she did eat this morning and it's digested properly. Gave more fluids, the ACV made her drip out a BUNCH of mucus and hopefully that will make her comfortable enough to...
  7. M

    Clear mucus in chicken mouth and not eating/drinking on her own

    Here are some pics. She's a bit more lethargic today, and it's unclear if she's eaten. The food is down but my husband opened the quarantine cage door and a couple of the laying hens got in there so I'm really not sure who ate (ugh). But the right side of her breastbone has a new, very firm...
  8. M

    Clear mucus in chicken mouth and not eating/drinking on her own

    Hello everyone, I'm hoping to get some help. Got a sick pullet. 1) What type of bird , age and weight- 16ish week old pullet, as big as the rest of the flock 2) What is the behavior, exactly- she is standing like a statue for hours on end in isolation, occasionally rotating her body once in...
  9. M

    Post bumblefoot surgery- extreme inflammation

    Hey pickles, I got another update much sooner than expected! Throughout this whole thing, she has not been walking like a Runner. She has been favoring her leg so much it's made her body more like a Pekin in terms of stature (slightly horizontal, butt out with chest down instead of butt...
  10. M

    Post bumblefoot surgery- extreme inflammation

    Update on Dolly: the bottom of her foot scabbed over RED, finally, and is now completely scab-free with the swelling about 60% improved! Her top swelling got a bit better since the pics but I felt another kernel in it and it was still really tight. We operated again tonight and put her on...
  11. M

    Post bumblefoot surgery- extreme inflammation

    Yes, we are wrapping liberally with fresh gauze after each soak/surgery (no plugs have really reappeared to be pulled yet) and lots of vet wrap. Daily or at the bare minimum every other day. Noted on the blue kote- we haven't used it in about 3 weeks (since before the first surgery/plug pull). I...
  12. M

    Post bumblefoot surgery- extreme inflammation

    Hi guys. This is Dolly's poor foot. She is about 9 months old. I've been treating her for bumblefoot for over 1 month- I do not have any before pics, unfortunately, but it started with the tell tale black scab and linping on the bottom of her foot. I treated with soaks until I could pull the...
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