Recent content by meow4128

  1. meow4128

    Official BYC Poll: How do you name your pet chickens?

    I name mine by personality or by the way the look. My Brahma hens are Mama - she acts like one, and ET because when she was a chick she had markings on top of her head like ET eyes, Silkie rooster is Tweety because that’s all he did when he was a chick. I will do the rest another time
  2. meow4128

    Past member - newly returned

    We gave them away! Autocorrect put in "have" instead of "gave". Oops!
  3. meow4128

    Past member - newly returned

    Hi, I joined about 10 years ago when we lived in Texas and had about 21 chickens. Long story short, I was diagnosed with cancer and we needed to be closer to the docs and hospital so we have my chickens away and moved to an apartment in town. We moved to Kentucky for about 5 1/2 years then...
  4. meow4128

    New member introductions

    Hi again all! I'm back on BYC. I used to be meow for several years but I had to change to meow4128. I was in Texas but now we are in Kentucky. I have been without my chickens for a year now - I really miss them! I probably will not be able to get more so I look forward to getting my chicken...
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