Recent content by melissah1010

  1. M

    Chicks eating pine shavings

    Okay thanks, I was just nervous that they were eating too much.
  2. M

    Chicks eating pine shavings

    Okay thanks!
  3. M

    Chicks eating pine shavings

    I have week old chicks in the brooder, they currently have about 1-2 inches of fine/dry/dust free pine shavings. They are scratching and pecking it and eating the very teeny tiny pieces. Is this okay? I have read a lot of conflicting Info. I sprinkled a bit of chick grit down, they are also...
  4. M

    Possible Gapeworm…again

    Well darn! Okay maybe I will do the fecal testing. Thanks!!
  5. M

    Possible Gapeworm…again

    The first time I just thought I had tried so many things for her so maybe I would just try deworming and it was very effective. She doesn’t have any drainage or swelling or anything like that. I have fenbendazole in capsule form, it says 1 capsule for a bird 4-7lbs for 3 days and then another...
  6. M

    Possible Gapeworm…again

    A few months back one of our girls had gapeworm symptoms, I ended up deworming her with Fenbendazole and her symptoms went away (I also treated my whole flock, they are all around 7mo old). She’s having the same symptoms again (wheezing, open mouth breathing and I saw her do the neck stretch...
  7. M

    22week old chicken slight wheeze

    So her crop feels fine in the am. I don’t see any lesions. The wheeze went away and then came back. She’s not coughing, there’s no drainage or foul smell (I think the wetness was from her Drinking water, she’s kinda messy and blind in one eye). She was attacked by a hawk when she was 5 or 7ish...
  8. M

    22week old chicken slight wheeze

    I don’t see any lesions, when she has her mouth open, I may need to catch her again and manually open her mouth and look better. Her crop feels fine (I think) I thought it was hard at first but I think I was feeling her neck. It’s not protruding though. I’m going to check again in the am and...
  9. M

    22week old chicken slight wheeze

    My chicken (22wk Easter egged) has a slight wheeze and occasional open mouth breathing. It also looks a little wet where her waddles would be if she had any. Her stool looks normal. She is acting fine, eating and drinking.
  10. M

    5 week old attacked by hawk!

    I guess I was just wondering how long I should wait to see if these functions return. I’m definitely going to give her more time since she’s shown improvement. All of those things are what I’m worried about but I guess time will tell.
  11. M

    5 week old attacked by hawk!

    I’m going to give her more time, she’s shown improvement. She’s a tough gal!
  12. M

    5 week old attacked by hawk!

    Update: she’s still alive and has opened one of her eyes, she’s very wobbly and is not eating or drinking unless I syringe feed her or dip her beak in the water. She seems really dizzy. There is no more air coming out of her puncture, breathing normally, she’s active but with no purposeful...
  13. M

    5 week old attacked by hawk!

    Last question..maybe…should I get chicken antibiotics for the small puncture wound? Where do I get that, do I have to go to vet? Tractor supply didn’t have any. Thanks for all the help!
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