Recent content by meghannne

  1. M

    Duck ID/sexing questions

    Ohhhh they’re so cute!! 🥰 such beautiful babies. How old are they now? Do they get the funny olive coloring to their bills? Maybe I’m taking my guys’ photos from a higher-than-ideal angle, cuz they’re definitely chonky babies 😆 and have been since I got them! It seems like they’ve been...
  2. M

    Duck ID/sexing questions

  3. M

    Duck ID/sexing questions

    Hi! I’m new here but I’ve been lurking for years. I’m stumped with my ducks and hoping to crowd-source some opinions about who I have here! They’re pets and I love them no matter what breeds/sexes they are, but I’d like to satisfy my curiosity if I can :) tldr: 14-week-old ducks with...
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