Recent content by mchickies

  1. mchickies

    Friendliest Chickens/Best Personalities??

    Yeah, once you contract the "chicken bug," you're infected for life 😆. I'm currently on our third batch of chicks (we have bunch of grown babies as well) and the whole family is just so in love with them! It truly never gets old ☺️. From one chicken-lover to another, I'm so happy for you!!!
  2. mchickies

    Friendliest Chickens/Best Personalities??

    Off topic from the main post but I just had to say, those are the most precious babies! Those little, floofy faces are just :love!!! I love them! We've actively socialized all of our batches of chicks and they've consistently turned out to be the most cuddly babies ever. You're on your way...
  3. mchickies

    Cream Legbar, Bielefelder, or Rhodebar? Male or Female?

    Ok, I think we figured it out. We ordered from California but we live in Florida, which is a crazy distance to ship. I knew this at the time but hoped for the best. What I'm thinking is that he might have thrown in an extra male in case of death. Luckily, everyone arrived safe and very...
  4. mchickies

    Cream Legbar, Bielefelder, or Rhodebar? Male or Female?

    I believe the cross is Bielefelder/Rhodebar, from the Fertility Page. The link you put of the "Auto-Sexing female" is the bird that I bought. I actually tried to ask what I got, but they only replied back, asking if I'd gotten a packing slip. Apparently, the list of the breeds was on the...
  5. mchickies

    Cream Legbar, Bielefelder, or Rhodebar? Male or Female?

    Hello everyone, I just received 16 chicks from Papa's Poultry a few days ago. I bought Opal Legbar, Cream Legbar, Bielefelder mix, and Rhodebar females + one Rhodebar male. I only ordered 9 chicks, but he was very generous and sent me so many extra babies (which I love!!!). The Rhodebar male...
  6. mchickies

    Thoughts on Roosters??

    A lot of people have made some very good points, so I'm not sure if what I'm gonna say has already been said. Either way, here goes! My dad has always had this saying and it goes like this: a guard dog is only as effective as the person behind him. In a nut shell, a guard dog can bark and...
  7. mchickies

    Thoughts on my future flock?

    I started out with virtually zero knowledge of chickens. Long story but the chickens were a family food source for eggs (not really pets), and then I took over care of them and absolutely fell in love! Still can't believe I managed to think they were "ok" animals for the first three years of...
  8. mchickies

    Thoughts on my future flock?

    I guess the bottom line of the discussion above is, if you're going to buy hatchery birds, probably go with the Cream Legbar and Ameraucana instead of the Starlight Greens and Praire Blues. A better bet in terms of reproductive health. I wish you the best with your future flock! You're going...
  9. mchickies

    Thoughts on my future flock?

    Honestly, after careful thought myself, breeding mutts in my own flock would probably be a good idea. I've noticed that purebred dogs, cats, etc have waaayyy more problems than your average pound mutt. I ❤️ Australorps by the way! They have such beautiful, dark, soulful looking eyes that I...
  10. mchickies

    Thoughts on my future flock?

    Ooooohhhhh! That's gonna be a nice set-up! And you have a lovely yard, if you're planning on doing some free-ranging.
  11. mchickies

    Thoughts on my future flock?

    1000% agree! I recently experienced rampant reproductive infections in my own flock of Barred Rocks (just as they reached 2 years of age), and hatchery breeding has been the death of some of my favorite hens. It was just a rabbit hole that I wasn't going to go down for this discussion...
  12. mchickies

    Thoughts on my future flock?

    Oh, I'm drooling! :drool You've got so many lovely choices there! I love the looks of the Wyandottes so much, but our brutal Florida heat has pretty much killed any dreams I had. I'm living vicariously through all your choices. I'm just gonna name-drop some more eye-candy breeds in here (it's...
  13. mchickies

    Thoughts on my future flock?

    Just thought I'd pop into thread and mention something. I noticed you put Golden Comet in your list of hens. Since you seem to be putting together a flock of very pretty hens, I'm thinking these are more like pets? Golden Comets and any kind of Sex-links are extremely prone to reproductive...
  14. mchickies

    Papa's Poultry Legbar or Bielefelder Rooster Temperament?

    Yay! I hope your hatch goes well! Are you populating a bigger flock or is this a breeding project?
  15. mchickies

    Papa's Poultry Legbar or Bielefelder Rooster Temperament?

    By the way, just saw your Bielefelders in your profile posts. They are gorgeous! Mr. Hawkeye is a real beaut!
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