Recent content by mcguffinvalley

  1. mcguffinvalley

    Brahma sexing

    3 1/2 months old, at least we know one is a cockerel
  2. mcguffinvalley

    Review by 'mcguffinvalley' in article 'First time owning chickens!'

    I like the planning and the size. Please update us 🙏
  3. mcguffinvalley

    Review by 'mcguffinvalley' in article 'The Old Homestead Coop'

    Thanks for keeping up to date. Love the use of picket fencing.
  4. mcguffinvalley

    Brahma sexing help?

    Here are my brahmas the same age as yours. I probably have 2 cockerels, sadly. It's frustrating they mature so slowly. I know this post is old, so how does your dark one look now?
  5. mcguffinvalley

    Brahma sexing

    The other light, a better photo
  6. mcguffinvalley

    Brahma sexing

    The buff have no red, they should all be female. The light ones were a straight run.
  7. mcguffinvalley

    Brahma sexing

    Could anyone help me determine if this one is going to be a roo? The are all 11 week old brahmas. There are 2 getting red faster than the others. Tails all look the same to me.
  8. mcguffinvalley

    Wobbly chick can’t walk

    Follow-up, the chick died
  9. mcguffinvalley

    Guess the sex.. Sorry in advance

    I hate these kind of posts, so I'm sorry for this. I'm worried I have a roo. Can you confirm? These are all 11 weeks old with the same hatch date. My light Brahmas are getting red, but not near as red as the one in the first pic. My buff brahmas aren't even pink yet. I'm new at this and read...
  10. mcguffinvalley

    Wobbly chick can’t walk

    So how's the chick doing now, more than a month later? I'm having same issue - hatched late and wobbling around with curled feet and floppy legs. Hobbling and electrolytes aren't working and the chick is now on day 4. I'm surprised it made it through the night. Was wondering if it was actually...
  11. mcguffinvalley

    Fluffy Butt Acres: Stories of our flock

    Just wanted to show off my baby brahmas
  12. mcguffinvalley

    Dog eating chick poop

    I know this is an old thread, but why not just stop access to the licking? A comfortable surgery collar, looks like a travel pillow, can be worn. But better yet, to stop the snacking have your dog wear a properly fitted, plastic cage muzzle for outdoor time keeps her face unable to get close...
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