Recent content by maryfrancis3

  1. maryfrancis3

    What's the temperature where you are???

    I'm in Melbourne Australia and today the temp is 20c and beautiful! Perfect day for Mother's Day. 🥰
  2. maryfrancis3

    What breeds have you kept across your chickening life and why?

    I've had Leghorn, Silkies, Isa Brown, Wyandotte and Columbian Cochins. My Blue Silkie bred with my Wyandotte. Interesting looking chicks they were.
  3. maryfrancis3

    Question of the Day - Tuesday, May 7th, 2024

    Dark. White (even at it's juiciest) can be a wee bit dry for my liking. But then again, I'm a bit strange... I don't like chocolate. 😝
  4. maryfrancis3


    Tesla... hello and thanks for the warm welcome. I will be dropping in to the Aussie thread
  5. maryfrancis3


    Hahahaha funny!
  6. maryfrancis3


    Thank you so much 007Sean :) :) :)
  7. maryfrancis3


    LOL oh my gosh Latestarter. Thank you so much for your welcome. It cracked me up!! I am following your direction and updating my profile. I too am old.. 60 years this July! Scary it is! lol Thanks again and off to do my bit. Mary xx :) :)
  8. maryfrancis3


    Thank you Sean!! I have certainly been welcomed!! :D :D
  9. maryfrancis3


    Thank you for the compliment on my chooks :) :)
  10. maryfrancis3


    LOL thank you so much. Love your avatar!!
  11. maryfrancis3


    Thank you! Certainly feeling welcomed :D
  12. maryfrancis3

    Pullet or Cockerel?

    Hi Brahma. My goldlace wing Wyandotte hen mated with my charcoal Silkie Roo. Interesting colour in this pullet. Looks like a throwback to a silverlace wing Wyandotte in there. Thanks for the reply :) :)
  13. maryfrancis3


    Thank you very much BYC! Much appreciated :D
  14. maryfrancis3


    And thank you for the lovely words of welcome :D
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