Recent content by Marion

  1. Marion

    Turkey mating question

    Thank you Old Rebel... that is exactly what I wanted to know! I will start paying attention and see which tom the hen seems to gravitate toward and make them a pen of their very own! The other toms can stay together until time for freezer camp or I find someone interested in buying them, so far...
  2. Marion

    Turkey mating question

    Good question... I don't have an answer but would love to find out as well. I have 9 young Bourbon Reds and it is looking like there is only one "girl" in the whole bunch, I am wondering if it is safe to keep her with that many "boys" or if I should put her and one of them in another area. There...
  3. Marion

    My beautiful blue slate tom!

    Quote: I am not an expert but I think it is also referred to as lavender.
  4. Marion

    Quality of meat at 1 1/2 years and 3 years in layers?

    I haven't had much experience with cooking hens yet but hubby and I sent 8 roosters to freezer camp this weekend, well 7 really, one of them I cooked in the crock pot with italian dressing until it fell off of the bones. Still a bit chewy compared to grocery store chickens but certainly more...
  5. Marion

    Caught one! It's an ...

    Armadillos, (anteaters), eat insects and grubs, a few species eat only ants. It was probably around the chickens looking for worms and such that find chicken poo a perfect place to live... eww.
  6. Marion

    Double Yolk question...

    My hens have just started laying eggs, pullet sized so far. There have been a few eggs that were large and double yolked. My question is... will that hen always lay double yolkers?
  7. Marion

    Barred Rock Roo Coloration Question

    This is how he looked a couple months ago Cynthia... what do you think? ETA... his legs are yellow, the photo is kinda funky.
  8. Marion

    Barred Rock Roo Coloration Question

    I was thinking something other than genetics because he wasn't always that way... he does get a lot of sun but his diet is the same as the others that don't have that coloring. He is the ruler of the roost at the present so I suppose he stays out in the sun more to make sure everyone sees him!
  9. Marion

    Barred Rock Roo Coloration Question

    Here is a photo that shows the odd coloring... any opinion is appreciated.
  10. Marion

    Barred Rock Roo Coloration Question

    I don't have any right now but I will take some in the morning and show you... thanks for the reply!
  11. Marion

    Barred Rock Roo Coloration Question

    I have 3 BR roos and two have a yellowish tinge to their hackle and saddle feathers. Has anyone seen this on BR roos before? One of the 3 doesn't have any yellowing.
  12. Marion

    Can I eat roo's that have lice?

    I am not an expert by any means but it seems to me that any external parasite that you may have had would be washed off when you plucked them and washed the skin but if it still creeps you out you could skin them and have skinless chicken. As for the worms, most of those would be intestinal and...
  13. Marion

    Please help...

    I am not sure that I understand the question Kody, maybe a little more information would help get you an answer... What age poults? You mentioned crippled turkeys walking better on what? Why are they crippled? What is the temperature outside? Is there wet grass where they roam? Are there any...
  14. Marion

    Facebook users - does anyone else play "Farm Town"?

    I joined Farm Town yesterday and need neighbors! PM me if you want to be my neighbor (reminds me of Mr. Rogers lol) Please, won't you please, be my neighbor!
  15. Marion

    Turkey cross-breeding speculations

    I think that Lilredhippie mentions some cross breeding that she is doing in page 2 of this thread.. Maybe Lilredhippie can answer some of your questions?
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