
28 years ago I came by my first chickens, at the age of 7. Since then I've learned a lot about them and the flock gets more refined and focused with every year. Our care practices have evolved as we continue to learn more about diet and nutritional needs and the genetics that make a good all around chicken. Turkeys came into play a couple of years ago, we love them!

We also have guard dogs, in the form of German Shepherds as well as 2 pet pigs and the token cat. We garden extensively, with some plants here just for the birds.

We try to live a more natural and sustainable lifestyle, without totally forsaking the modern amenities. Our poultry have a purpose, though we do appreciate an ornamental look.
Mt Repose, OH
My Coop
My Coop
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Poultry fancier


Raising American Bresse in SW Ohio and an assortment of Heritage Turkeys. Find me on youtube @ArcadianOrchard and on the "Poultry Keepers Podcast" on your favorite podcast platform.


  1. 20

    Anniversary: 14 Year

  2. 20

    Anniversary: 13 Year

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    Anniversary: 12 Year

  4. 10

    Threads Started: 300

  5. 10

    Threads Started: 200

  6. 20

    Anniversary: 11 Year

  7. 20

    Reactions Received: 1,000

    WOW, people are LOVING what you're doing... keep it up!
  8. 10

    Reactions Given: 100

    We're so glad you like your member's stuff! Keep it up!
  9. 10

    Anniversary: 10 Year

    Who'd have thought we'd be around for 10 years and that you'd be with us this whole time!? CONGRATS!!!
  10. 20

    Reactions Received: 500

    Content you have posted has attracted 500 positive reactions.
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    Reactions Given: 50

  12. 10

    Reactions Received: 250

    Your content has been positively reacted to 250 times.
  13. 5

    Reactions Given: 10

  14. 10

    Anniversary: 9 Year

    Happy 9 year anniversary!!
  15. 10

    Reactions Received: 100

    Content you have posted has attracted 100 positive reactions.
  16. 15

    Added Coop Link To Profile

    You've added a link to your coop page on BYC as shown here.
  17. 10

    Anniversary: 8 Year

    8 years with us!?! Who would have thought it possible?
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    Introduce Yourself

    You've introduced yourself in our New Member Introduction section here.
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    Has An Avatar

    You have an avatar!
  20. 20

    Messages: 2,000

    2,000 messages? You're amazing!
  21. 20

    Messages: 1,000

    1,000 messages? Impressive!
  22. 10

    Threads Started: 100

  23. 10

    Reactions Received: 50

    Obviously you're pretty likable!!
  24. 10

    Messages: 500

    You've posted 500 messages!
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    Reactions Received: 25

    Your messages have been positively reacted to 25 times.
  26. 10

    Messages: 250

    250 posts and you're on your way to 500!
  27. 10

    Anniversary: 7 Year

    Lucky #7 years! Congrats!
  28. 10

    Anniversary: 6 Year

    6 years with us? We love having you here!
  29. 10

    Anniversary: 5 Year

    WOW 5 years!?!? SUPER CONGRATS!
  30. 10

    Anniversary: 4 Year

    4 years older and wiser too? Congrats on 4 years with us!
  31. 10

    Anniversary: 3 Year

    WOOT! Happy 3 year anniversary!
  32. 10

    Anniversary: 2 Year

    Time flies when you're having fun! Happy 2 year anniversary!
  33. 10

    Anniversary: 1 Year

    Wow, it's been a year already!?! CONGRATS!!
  34. 10

    Reactions Received: 10

    Your messages have been positively reacted to 10 times!
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    Messages: 100

    You've posted 100 messages. I hope this took you more than a day!
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    Started 10 Threads

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  37. 7

    Messages: 50

    50 messages posted. You must like it here!
  38. 5

    Messages: 10

    10 messages posted. You're getting use to things around here!
  39. 3

    Anniversary: 1 Month

    You have been a member of BYC for one month, we hope you've been enjoying it here!
  40. 2

    Reactions Given: 1st

    You reacted to something posted by another member!
  41. 2

    Anniversary: 1 Week

    Congrats on your first week as a member of our community!
  42. 2

    Reactions Received: 1st

    Somebody out there reacted to one of your messages. Keep posting like that for more!
  43. 1

    Messages: 1st

    Post a message somewhere on the site to receive this.
  44. 1

    Started 1st Thread

    You created a thread in our community, good job!
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