Recent content by Malquid

  1. Malquid

    Incubator lockdown question

    A thank you so much! I can hear them chirping in the egg I think!! Is that possible??????
  2. Malquid

    Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

    Hello! I’m in Bellingham and, shocker.. it’s raining. Lol
  3. Malquid

    Incubator lockdown question

    Hi sorry to bump this thread but it seemed in neccesary to start a new one. I messed up my timeline resulting in lockdown on early day 20, possibly 19. I had an automatic turner up til then. I suppose it is what it is now. what you you folks think?
  4. Malquid

    Quail Nesting Habits..?

    You did nothing wrong. It was a legitimate question. It’s up to you to interpret your local laws. Don’t mind the judicial input
  5. Malquid

    Roundworm- Need help finding Cure product

    Your local feed store should be able to help, hopefully.
  6. Malquid

    Roundworm- Need help finding Cure product

    As far as how long you have, it’s a gradual decline. Weight loss and diahreah you see it coming.
  7. Malquid

    Roundworm- Need help finding Cure product

    I think this is what you are looking for. add it to the water to treat the flock. It’s highly transmittable in poultry. remember this only zaps the worms not the eggs so you have to play out the cycle. Thats why water works well...
  8. Malquid

    3 day old chick panting, need info please.

    You can’t save them all. Letting nature take its course is best sometimes. Nature weeds out the weak and deformed. This is a good thing. It breeds strength into bloodlines. I understand the compassion don’t get me wrong. However, nature always knows what’s best as cruel as it may sound.
  9. Malquid


    Welcome to BYC I’m pretty new here too. Have fun.
  10. Malquid

    Apple Cider Vinegar Benefits for Chickens!

    Great post! it’s good to discuss options. in reality that’s all we are doing. Thanks for the discussion. Keep up the good work. 🤩
  11. Malquid

    Apple Cider Vinegar Benefits for Chickens!

    Vinegar is a great disinfectant The ph is 3.4 which is pretty acidic. Simply put, bacteria and small pests like mites..die out of their ph range. Most live in the 7.0 range which is water and chicken skin. look at it as bleach but on the opposite side of the ph scale.
  12. Malquid

    If you kept only one breed...

    Right, so that was 3. I never got high marks for rule following😂
  13. Malquid

    If you kept only one breed...

    Orfingtons. mellow, great layers, Sussex Friendly and great layers bard rock Bulletproof
  14. Malquid

    Better to put on side of house or out back?

    Lots of good input. I’d like to add use high ground. If that means bringing in fill like pit-run to get you a high,level, solid spot then I think the field is wide open for wherever you want it. I think a football field away is an extremely long trek several times a day. I think most coops its...
  15. Malquid

    Feeling like a total idiot

    Ultimate revenge.. Feed it to the chickens. They will love the maggots
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