Recent content by Magnumchicken

  1. M

    Should I warn neighbor that dog might get shot?

    What dog? Sorry but I haven't see your dog. I'll let you know if I do.
  2. M

    Trapping a racoon - can anyone share their experience with this?

    Releasing the raccoon in someone else's area is a completely illegal and immoral thing to do. Now they are wary of traps and killing someone else's chickens. Poison, shoot or take to animal control but never never never release them. I know of no area in US that it is legal to release them...
  3. M

    What do you give your hens for protein?

    Alfalfa, legume, and soybean leaves contain 30% protein. Just to add something different to the list.
  4. M

    Are Uncooked Lentils Really Dangerous for Chickens?

    Chickens would need to eat about 1000 lbs per day to get enough hemoaglutinin to be toxic. So unless your chickens are eating that much it's fine. Absolute nonsense.
  5. M

    Anybody Try Alfalfa?

    Alfalfa and other legumes have very high protein compared to other greens. 30% compared to 8 for grass. The chickens love it and eat the leaves not stems. Consider growing it in a patch for them. Yolks get bright orange and seems to improve the taste a lot.
  6. M

    Can a chicken eat too many worms?

    If eating worms was bad for chickens mine would have been dead a long time ago.
  7. M

    Rooster killed a Hen

    Sorry for what happened to your hen. As for the rooster this is a sure fire way to keep him from doing that again. In a large pot combine 2 large potatoes peeled, 5 diced large carrots, half stick of butter, 1 lb pasta... Salt and season to taste.
  8. M

    Confused about the poop thing

    Farmers would say that the freshest manure is best. They apply fresh manure and till it in immediately so the nitrogen doesn't gas off as fast. The biggest concern is the amount of salt. Chicken manure has 100 to 200 lbs of salt per ton, and the recommendation is no more than 500 lbs of salt...
  9. M

    Help! Where is Expiration/manufacturer date on Layer feed? I have Weevil bugs in Country Roads Layer Crumble

    I would think that if you had a restaurant that catered to chickens, they would pay more for the feed with the live bugs in it. I store what I can in the chest freezer until I need the space, but try to freeze it once a month or so or rotate bags in the freezer. I do this with any flour, dry...
  10. M

    Comments on organic farming

    Nobody wants to spray if they don't have to, but billions a year are spent on making better safer ag chemicals. Comparing technology from 40 years ago to now is like comparing the first cell phones to the latest iPhone. Ld50 for bifenthrin... Modern insecticide, is 2g/kg. If you weigh 100kg...
  11. M

    Comments on organic farming

    Thier point wasn't about big ag being victims, it is about global food supply. If you are in India right now, you are paying more for your flour since some Western farmland is being diverted to organic. This increased price is incentive for more 3rd world farmers to cut down more forrests to...
  12. M

    Comments on organic farming

    There are a bunch of articles there hoss, covering thousands of farms, dozens of countries, peer reviewed journals, multiple crop types. Actually you have it backwards. Non organic no till farmers only till once a decade. For organic farmers, no till refers to only once a year full tillage...
  13. M

    Comments on organic farming

    To anyone who is open minded, primary literature is cited in these articles...
  14. M

    Comments on organic farming

    Plenty. Do you have any evidence it's false?
  15. M

    Comments on organic farming

    Organic chicken feed doesn't have anything to do with chickens? I'm not understanding what you mean?
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