Recent content by MagistraTn

  1. MagistraTn

    God bless, sister🙏🏻

    God bless, sister🙏🏻
  2. MagistraTn

    Thanks! I love him too! And Paul and Daniel and Isaiah and Noah and Moses and and…we need more...

    Thanks! I love him too! And Paul and Daniel and Isaiah and Noah and Moses and and…we need more people behaving like them. 🙏🏻❤️
  3. MagistraTn

    10 month old black ameracunas not laying

    Thanks. I had read they can take a year. God clearly wants me patient as well as trusting!
  4. MagistraTn

    10 month old black ameracunas not laying

    the days are getting longer, but it’s February in the heartland. I’m getting 5-7 eggs a day from the other 10 hens. The amerucaunas do squat and hang around the nesting boxes, and I don’t think that they’re laying in some other area in the run, I’ve searched.
  5. MagistraTn

    10 month old black ameracunas not laying

    I have a small flock and most everyone is doing well, but my three black amerucauna chooks have not yet graced me with a blue egg. They are a little more skittish than my others (15 total; 4 barred rocks, 3 black laced Wyandotte & 1 roo; 3 black copper marans & 1 roo). Barred rocks are 2 years...
  6. MagistraTn

    Copper laced Wyandotte cockerel?

    What do y’all think? Is it a he or a she? 6.5 weeks, redder and a tad bigger than it’s sisters.
  7. MagistraTn

    Cackle Hatchery - Hatch Date: 3/12/2023

    Thanks. I opened up the brooder and made some steps down for them out of concrete blocks. They are now enjoying about 60 sq feet on the ground. I think I’m going to stick with this for a week, as one of my hens is acting extremely concerned about them being out. next step, I’ll make a chicklet...
  8. MagistraTn

    Cackle Hatchery - Hatch Date: 3/12/2023

    My chicks are all going well. The cockerels are asserting themselves. now I’m stressing about how to integrate them. several have jumped out whilst I’m cleaning up the brooder and one got a peck from a hen, but no crying or damage. They’ve been in a see no touch situation since the beginning...
  9. MagistraTn

    Is a brooder ever big enough?

    Ours is 30”x70” and is filling up quickly! We have 14 chicks, now 10 days old I just added the dust bath Today, maybe I can pare them down to one food and water instead of two. and next week, I think we will add some elevated roosting along the back wall.
  10. MagistraTn

    Cackle Hatchery - Hatch Date: 3/12/2023

    So the wind blew open a door on the brooder (it’s now wedged with a stick) and half my chicklets escaped into the bigs area. Thankfully, no one was hurt! my itsy bitty with the pasty seems to be doing fine, she is just so small! however, I’ve noticed a few birds with missing toes, and my son...
  11. MagistraTn

    Cackle Hatchery - Hatch Date: 3/12/2023

    Todays fun includes a shiny new mirror! my tiniest Wyandotte keeps getting pasty. We gave her a thorough (sometimes it’s hard to get 100%) cleaning last night and she is messy (not really clogged, but it’s all getting stuck on her fluff) again this morning. Im going to get some Vaseline and...
  12. MagistraTn

    Cackle Hatchery - Hatch Date: 3/12/2023

    How’re everyone’s cheeps doing? we are brooding outdoors in the coop. The weather has been mild until today and theyre hanging out under the warms more, but no one is complaining or looking poorly. We’ve had a few cases of pasty butt, which has been persistent on the smallest Wyandotte. We made...
  13. MagistraTn

    Cackle Hatchery - Hatch Date: 3/12/2023

    I have 14 chicks from cackle hatched on April 12 as well. I ordered 12, they sent two extras: 6 black amerucaunas (2 males) 4 black laced golden Wyandottes 4 French black copper marans (1 male) these are being added to our 5 barred rocks who are 13 months old. Hopefully we will get a nice...
  14. MagistraTn

    2 day olds snuggling in towel on MHP—safe?

    Last night I made sure everyone knew/learned how to get under the brooder plate. They seemed to prefer it to the Mhp, which might be too low. This morning, we found several chicks nestled in between the layers of the blue & white striped towel. Is that safe, or should I change to a single layer...
  15. MagistraTn

    Can you overfeed chicks?

    Sure, but the point is to communicate effectively. I’m noticing these things as I often feel like im in the Tower of Babel these days!
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