Recent content by Maddcatter

  1. Maddcatter

    Support Group for Abused Duck Keepers

    I don't feel guilt, but I do get the worry.
  2. Maddcatter

    What did you do with your flock today?

    I had a bird that magically recovered too. She went from happy and healthy to shrunken comb and pale and breathing hard in like 2 days. I figured she was egg bound, but she wasn't. Gave her all the egg bound treatment, but she didn't lay an egg. After 4days I figured it wasn't egg bound, because...
  3. Maddcatter

    What did you do with your flock today?

    Woke up this morning and gathered the troops (my kiddo) to pull this out of the yard. If y'all have it in your yard, it's silverleaf nightshade... And it's toxic. The flowers are typically purple, though they can be white, and the unripe berries are green with stripes. The ripe berries are...
  4. Maddcatter

    What did you do with your flock today?

    Some of my hens have names. Most of my roosters have names. The hens that have names should probably all be named "miss priss", as I have spoiled them rotten... Today was actually 90⁰. It's the first time we've gotten there this year, so the birds got a frozen berry and kale mixture at about 5...
  5. Maddcatter

    Support Group for Abused Duck Keepers

    Even if they do, they're still going to eat dirt and throw it into their bowl. I'd suggest worrying about them having enough water to drink more than if it's super clean. (Still change it once a day, but after that... Make sure there's enough to drink) They swim around in ponds and poop in them...
  6. Maddcatter

    Support Group for Abused Duck Keepers

    .... So the Ducklings from tsc... ARE DIFFERENT THAN ANY OTHER DUCK I HAVE EVER HAD. They're incredibly shy. They don't want to be with in 10 feet of me... (Unless I have treats). They run towards the flashlight, at night... Until they figure out I'm behind the beam, and then they run away...
  7. Maddcatter

    19 Chicks For Sale In DFW Area

    I'm working on building more room for the chickens I have, so I can separate them out and sell purebreeds. I can't get more chickens for a hot minute. Thanks for thinking of me though!
  8. Maddcatter

    Support Group for Abused Duck Keepers

    I don't blame you. The problem with caring enough to want to try something new is that it hurts your heart if it doesn't work. You're still an incredibly caring person, and I think you're pretty awesome.
  9. Maddcatter

    Support Group for Abused Duck Keepers

    You're trying to do something that mither nature can't do. You didn't let them down, you're just not perfect. I'm very sorry it didn't work out. The yellow mark might very well have been there before, and it also happened to be where they were trying to break thru. You're an incredible duck...
  10. Maddcatter

    Support Group for Abused Duck Keepers

    How's it going with this?
  11. Maddcatter

    What did you do with your flock today?

    She seems to be good. I did check to see if I could find anything wrong, but she seems healthy. Comb is the right color, crop is doing it's thing, abdomen is appropriately squishy, no odd droppings or poo sticking to feathers. She's eating and drinking fine. She actually perked right up when I...
  12. Maddcatter

    What did you do with your flock today?

    So... I think I have mentioned my hen, Badger before. She's typically one of my top hens in the pecking order, and when I let her brood, she teaches her chicks that I'm their rooster. This morning I found her huddled under a bush, hiding from a few of my other hens. I pulled her out, and looked...
  13. Maddcatter

    What did you do with your flock today?

    Yeah, I will say it was disconcerting to move to a place where you can actually see for 10 miles, because there's not much in the way of trees or elevation changes. I love it here now, despite the semi-regular exfoliating wind.
  14. Maddcatter

    What did you do with your flock today?

    Ya know... Ok, so I have a teenage roo, and I have now named him puppy. He wants cuddles. He wants to sit on me a get petted to sleep. I keep expecting the teenager to kick in, and him to not like cuddles anymore, but it hasn't happened yet. I wonder if it won't?
  15. Maddcatter

    Support Group for Abused Duck Keepers

    I had a couple of duck die in my stock tank last year. I stopped having the problem after I gave them a "platform" to stand on (I stacked a couple of cinderblocks on top of each other so they had a step kind of close to the lip). I don't know if they couldn't get out that day, or if a male was...
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