Recent content by macdoogle2

  1. macdoogle2


    Gossamer and Goldie
  2. macdoogle2

    NightGuard Review - Blinking LED.... Really?!?

    I have them in my goose inclose. Four of them pointing in all directions. Have not had loss of birds but then again I lock them up at night. I did loose roosters that were in the same chain link dog kennel before I got the lights. All I did was add chiken wire around the kennel so the geese...
  3. macdoogle2

    Tight stick fleas. Need help!!

    My chickens have them!!!. I've been putting vaseline around their eyes and waddles and dusting with poultry dust and sevin dust. My question is; if I remove as much old bedding as I can and replace with new and add sevin to that what do I do with the old bedding? I usually pile old bedding in a...
  4. macdoogle2

    Goose pond ideas?

    Congratulations on your flock. Sounds impressive. I posted earlier to get ideas on ponds for geese and have done some research myself. I only have 2 geese. What I have found is that you will need a filtration system and whatever system you choose should accomodate for more rathen than less. I...
  5. macdoogle2

    Personalities Swans v Geese

    I want them too, though I will never have the space for them.
  6. macdoogle2

    geese and ponds.

    Ok so tilapia eat algae. That is great to know. How many Tilapia will keep the algae population under control in a 3000 gallon pond which is in full light? reason I ask is I'm looking to get a pond filtration system and manufacturer recommends different systems based on sun light vs shade or...
  7. macdoogle2

    Will Night Guards protect geese?

    Sorry to sound so ignorant, but a fox can kill a goose? I thought geese are too big for a fox. A chicken yes but a goose? I am mostly worried about racoons and coyotes. I do have an electric fence unit that came with the property. Will have to set it up and get it working again. How about motion...
  8. macdoogle2

    Llama thread anyone?

    I live in San Diego and the male 'pet quality' alpacas I have were $250.00 each. I purchased my older ones here locally and drove 2 hours north for the baby. The price seemed reasonable to me but everyone has a different budget and a different idea of what reasonable is. Females sell from 750 to...
  9. macdoogle2

    NEED HELP WITH COSTS>>>>>Neighbors dog killed my whole flock ....

    I agree. The neighbor's dog is only one predator. There are many more out there. Racoons, hawks, cats. My own dog killed my first 3 chicks. I was so upset my DH almost got rid of the dog. Not being a 'get rid of it once it's mine' sort of gal I gave both Dog and chickens another try. Some how...
  10. macdoogle2

    Llama thread anyone?

    I have 3 alpaca males. 2 are 5 years old and 1 is just a baby 6 months old. Each animal has it's own personality. Julian will let me touch him and will eat out of my hand if I have a realy good treat. Chico will come near but does not like to be touched. Baby Bartholomew is still taking a...
  11. macdoogle2

    Will Night Guards protect geese?

    I got my 2 gosslings from a neighbor. Now about 12 weeks old and ready to go into their new inclosure.She keeps her flock of about 40 geese and ducks in a large pen with 4 foot high fencing. Says has had no problems with predators. We have all the usual predators around the area: coyotes, fox...
  12. macdoogle2

    geese and ponds.

    I like the telapia idea. I hear cat fish are good bottom feeders as well.
  13. macdoogle2

    geese and ponds.

    That's an interesting concept. I've been doing more research and finding all sort of good ideas. For that to work the plant bed would have to be outside the geese in closure or raised up so that they have no access to it. I hear some people use lava rock to filter the water and some kind of...
  14. macdoogle2

    geese and ponds.

    Thank you for your reply. I found it very informative and also funny. Love the store of the frogs. Actually have another small pond/ fountain on the property that was full of tadpoles. None of them made it to frogs. Saw a snake in there that must have eaten them all up.
  15. macdoogle2

    geese and ponds.

    I keep reading that geese do not need a pond and that a kiddie pool will suffice. Thing is I already have a 25x25 foot pond in my soon to be goose inclosure and it seems a shame not to use it. The cement pond has large cracks and needs to be resurfaced. It's about 3-4 feet deep in the middle. My...
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