Recent content by lovemybuffy

  1. L

    back again still need help

    Water belly is basically caused by overeating and the liver begins draining fluids into the stomach. They tend to waddle when walking. At first I thought she was just fat. Then I realized her lower legs were barely seen when she walked. Thank God for backyard chickens who told me to check...
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    back again still need help

    For YouTube, in search type in water belly.
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    back again still need help

    I was thinking the same thing about feeling the abdomen. I have had 2 hens with water belly and was able to drain some liquids out. Both are fine but I know it can return and most likely will. I have lost 2 other hens that went from impacted crop to sour crop. I tried so hard to follow...
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    Hen struggling to breathe

    Hello Crazyabouthens: Have you checked her belly ? One of my girls seemed to be waddling and her belly felt like a water balloon. She also was open beak breathing and struggling. I found a video in YouTube about a thing called “water belly” that sure sounded like her symptoms and...
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    My hen is dying

    Hello all! Thank you so much for the many pieces of advice ! My girl has recovered beautifully. I discovered she had water belly. I found a video on how to treat it, followed the instructions of the procedure to removing the fluid, and within a week she was back to normal. Since water belly...
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    My hen is dying

    Gotcha…. Thanks.
  7. L

    My hen is dying

    How deep is the water for a good soaking ? I clean their feet and check for leg mites and bumble foot every few weeks. But never soaked beyond the feet
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    My hen is dying

    Thanks. I might try that. I am hopeful she will come out of it
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    My hen is dying

    They are a little yellow but also white. I can get pics of those tomorrow morning.
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    My hen is dying

    Yes whole dried mixed in with cracked corn. They don’t eat a lot of it. I put one ice cream bucket in their feeder and it lasts 2-3 weeks. They mostly eat the mash. They get treats once a week and they free range from 2:00 to near sunset at about 8:00. This time of year it stays fairly...
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    My hen is dying

    I checked for water belly. She is fine there. I checked her crop, it is pretty slim and empty feeling. I do not feel egg lash. I will try electrolytes and scrambled eggs. With her being 3 years old I do not expect too many eggs from her anymore. Her legs are getting white. I read that if...
  12. L

    My hen is dying

    Earlier this evening I was able to get her to eat some plain yogurt with a little mash mixed into it. She also drank some water. Now before closing the coop for the night she was in a nesting box and she did eat some mash out of my hand and drank some water. I did notice that she was...
  13. L

    My hen is dying

    She gets whole corn. I have 11 girls and the corn is in a corn feeder. They all eat it plus the laying mash. I also give them snacks such as veggies like broccoli, green beans, peas, and fruit now and then like grapes (cut up so they do not choke), watermelon, apples, etc.
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