Recent content by lolobearleo

  1. L

    Help with Chicken Lice, tried Elector PSP

    Awesome thank you!
  2. L

    Help with Chicken Lice, tried Elector PSP

    Should we wait then at this point? I read that elector PSP kills lice and the eggs. Do the eggs stick around for a while and then eventually fall off? Thanks for any help :).
  3. L

    Help with Chicken Lice, tried Elector PSP

    Hi there! I have 43 chickens total, 9 of whom are from my original flock and are about 1 1/2 years old. All 9 of them have what I'm 99% sure is chicken lice. I haven't seen the lice per say but all of them have the eggs around their vents. I found a picture online and am attaching for...
  4. L

    Rooster broke his crower?

    I will look into PDZ, thank you! We don’t use a ton of DE but I like the alternative idea. I do want to get a cam in there sometime soon. Thank you so much ❤️.
  5. L

    Rooster broke his crower?

    Just replied to chicken fairy on an update 👍🏻 thank you for checking in. I appreciated all the help, this forum is such a life saver ❤️ and the community so kind.
  6. L

    Rooster broke his crower?

    Oh and the coop we keep it clean and use DE. None of the other birds had a problem, so again think there may have been something stuck in his nose. :(
  7. L

    Rooster broke his crower?

    Hey there! We took him to the vet a few months back and he got antibiotics for a respiratory infection and it didn’t seem to do anything. I think that there may have been something stuck in his nose and he was breathing through his mouth and with the dry warm summer air I think it was drying...
  8. L

    What's the temperature where you are???

    64 degrees and partially cloudy on this northwest Washington day! 7:56am
  9. L

    Reddish fluffy footed mystery chick

    Hmmm it’s hard to tell, so much floof around such a little comb. I’ll keep you all posted!
  10. L

    Reddish fluffy footed mystery chick

    I will check when I get home! When they’re babies what’s the best way to tell single comb from perhaps a pea comb?
  11. L

    Reddish fluffy footed mystery chick

    Upon poking around too I am thinking so as well. Wondering what color though… thanks! Edit: I think it might be a Buff Brahma!
  12. L

    Reddish fluffy footed mystery chick

    We just got in some baby chicks we ordered from McMurray. We opted for the mystery chick… and I’m having a heck of a time guessing what breed! Reddish brownish with lighter colored feathered feet. Any guesses?
  13. L

    Rooster broke his crower?

    Hey there! Following up, thank you so much for your help. It’s been a busy couple weeks. He’s been very standoffish since this whole thing started and I haven’t gotten to pick him up yet. My husband and I are going to take time Friday before they get any breakfast to check his crop and look...
  14. L

    Rooster broke his crower?

    Hi there! Thank you so much for replying! Of course the day after I posted this he started to make a little noise again! As of this morning he seems to be improving. Let me know if you’d still like a video of his current sound. No other roosters, and no new birds recently.
  15. L

    Rooster broke his crower?

    Hello everyone! Thanks for taking the time to read, I hope all is well for you and yours! Our Dark Brahma rooster, Vegeta, is about 10 months old now. He has been crowing for several months but has always made some other weird noises too (almost like sneezing… it’s hard to describe, like a TCH...
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