Recent content by ljubav59

  1. ljubav59

    Love these. I found a few chicks by chance last spring that I thought were called Confetti, I...

    Love these. I found a few chicks by chance last spring that I thought were called Confetti, I think. Unfortunately, they chose to hide outside the hen house at night and they disappeared. I can only assume a raccoon or such got to them. Have you been able to increase the hen and egg sizes...
  2. ljubav59

    Post here if you DON'T wash clean-looking eggs

    I had so many eggs, I was looking for ways to preserve them. I have started putting the clean, unwashed eggs in cartons with an X so I can tell the difference. Good to know I don't need to wash them first. On dirtier eggs, I generally lightly rinse them with water, then I've been squirting a...
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